Chair Massage and Stomach Ulcers

Managing stress when you have a stomach ulcer is a necessary part of the recovery process and can be effectively managed with a chair massage. A gastric or peptic ulcer is a painful condition caused by inflammation and subsequent erosion of the stomach lining and can also occur in the intestinal tract. It has long been seen as a condition that affects overly stressed professionals, but it can affect both children and adults, regardless of occupation. Chair massage is an important tool in keeping ulcer patients comfortable and on the path to full recovery.

If left undiagnosed or untreated, a stomach ulcer can cause a hole in the organ, leading to internal bleeding, bleeding, and ultimately death. Spicy foods and a stressful lifestyle have long been seen as the main causes of peptic ulcers. However, medical research now credits the H. pylori bacterium as the culprit in up to 80% of all peptic ulcer cases. The H. pylori bacterium can be found in more than 20% of the US population and is usually a mild infection. H. pylori inhabits and multiplies in the protective mucus layer of the stomach and small intestine, sometimes causing inflammation that eventually leads to an ulcer. Treatment usually consists of a combination of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors taken over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. Therapeutic massage can encourage faster and more complete healing of affected areas through improved circulation, which aids in cell renewal and replenishment.

Other causes of peptic ulcers include excessive use of alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These drugs affect the protective mucous layer of the stomach, allowing the acid to destroy the stomach lining. NSAIDs also hinder the secretion of bicarbonates, which are our body’s natural acid reducers. Blood circulation to the stomach is also restricted by the use of NSAIDs, which slows down the turnover and repair of damaged cells. Corporate massage can relieve tension headaches caused by work-related stress and reduce the need for NSAIDs.

Although stress is no longer considered the main cause of peptic ulcers, it is still considered the culprit and inhibits recovery. High levels of stress cause an overproduction of stomach acid, which is the protagonist in the development of ulcers. Stress also makes digestion difficult, which can cause even more discomfort for gastric ulcer sufferers. Consequently, stress affects the body’s ability to heal itself, and people with ulcers need to manage their stress levels. A meat rub will aid the digestion process and help maintain normal stomach acid levels.

Chair massage is one of the most immediate ways to reduce stress. Massage releases tension and calms anxiety, which in turn stops the production of acid in the stomach. It is important to note that abdominal massage is contraindicated in patients with ulcers, due to an increased risk of bleeding, and it is considered safer to concentrate the massage on the reflex zones to benefit from the analgesic benefits. Meat massage increases circulation, which helps repair damaged cells throughout the body, including the stomach and intestines. The improved circulation from a meat rub also contributes to easier digestion, which reduces abdominal discomfort, common in people with peptic ulcers.

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