How to train your parrot to go to the bathroom

Parrots can be potty trained if you are willing to put in dedicated and consistent training. They are rarely perfect as parrots in their potty training, but with a little work, you can get near perfect results. In fact, you can usually get such good results that when the parrot has an accident, it’s because you didn’t pay attention to it!

The characteristics of parrots vary according to their various conditions. Wild parrots do not go to the bathroom where they sleep or eat. They move to another place. In the case of caged parrots, an adult bird will usually move to a location away from its food and sleeping area to defecate. Birds can be trained to “go” to different locations, but often the cage is the preferred location.

sundance trained me

I must say that I did not invent this technical training. SunDance taught me how to train parrots this behavior. Every time she urinated on a shirt, they would take her back to her cage and tell her to “go home” while I changed shirts or cleaned up the mess. Oftentimes, he might be busy and not come back for her right away, so she was not happy with this situation. Soon, she started saying “go home” before pooping, giving me time to carry her to her cage, let her poop, and take her with me. She liked this much better! If she didn’t respond quickly, she would gently bite my neck and repeat the order to take her home. After she told me for the third time, she just let me go. It was up to me and her other humans to respond to the order she gave us.

times to go to the bathroom

Parrots go to the bathroom at specific times that can be used to train them. First thing in the morning, they will go to the bathroom. About 10 minutes after eating, they will go to the bathroom. This is reliable and you can use these times to know when to give the command and expect results.

Other characteristics of parrots include adopting a certain posture before going to the bathroom. They squat and spread their rump feathers so as not to get dirty. You will learn to observe this body language and use it during training as well.

parrot train

Choose a word for the action of defecating. “Poop”, “poop”, “dance please” or something similar works well. Use this word every time you see your parrot’s potty.

First thing in the morning, after saying “good morning,” tell your parrot to go potty. Expect; it will happen very soon. Once you do, give your parrot lavish praise. Make a big fuss about what a great bird he or she is.

Watch for your parrot to finish eating breakfast and repeat the potty process. Also, watch for potty body language and use the potty command and praise again.

In conclusion

Some parrots learn this behavior quickly; others take some time to figure it out. But most parrots will pick up on the idea over time and become reasonably consistent in avoiding soiling your clothes, sofa, or carpet.

The key to training this behavior is consistency. After your parrot begins to let you know that it needs to go to the bathroom, don’t stop responding. Stop whatever you’re doing and take your bird to the bathroom and praise him. If you sometimes ignore the urge, you won’t be as successful as if you took the bird to the bathroom quickly.

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