WOTLK Gold Farming Spots – A Gold Seller’s Favorite WoW Farming Spot

Finding the right WOTLK gold farming locations is a time-consuming task. You have a very large area to cover that contains a lot of mobs. You will have to stop at each camp or area full of mobs and start killing them to see if it is worth farming there. That can take a long time for anyone, no matter how good they are. I had to do the same, but I had a stroke of luck.

I started looking for good places to farm for crafting resources. He wanted one where he could get multiple types of ingredients in one place. But I did not find such WOTLK gold farming places. But one day, fortune smiled on me.

I noticed a character that people have been saying was a gold seller. He was heading southeast from Wintergrasp. I thought he was probably going to make gold, so I followed him. The place he uses must be really good since he does tons of it.

After several minutes, he stopped and began killing mobs. After spying on him, I saw what he was doing. So here is the place I use regularly now.

In this region, called the Cauldron of Flames, South East Wintergrasp, you will find some small fire elementals. You don’t need those. If your faction controls the zone, Revenants will spawn. These are the mobs you want because they always drop crystallized fire. They also drop green items and trash loot.

The trick of this place is that if you are an engineer, you can also mine crystallized fire from Cinder Clouds. You must do this while waiting for the Revenants to appear. They have a really big respawn timer, up to 5 minutes.

You can also move south a bit and kill Tempest Revenants to get crystallized air. So this is a very good place where you can get a couple of highly sought after ingredients. I was able to get around 200g in half an hour. No wonder the gold seller came here.

I have been using this place for a long time and it has never let me down. Just make sure your faction controls Wintergrasp and you’ll be good to go. You can even cultivate crystallized life not far from that place. In case you have to wait too long to respawn. I hope I have helped put an end to your search for WOTLK gold farming locations.

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