Why pay more when you can offshore?

Why pay more for a direct employee to do a job that can be done exactly the same way by someone thousands of miles away for half the price? The answer is easy, the employee is tangible, the line of communication is open, the job comes to you as soon as you want it. Most of the employees are afraid of being deceived, of not getting exactly what they have paid for, that’s why a direct employee is very important for this kind of employees. They are the cautious type. Cautious but uninformed. Hiring offshore IT staff is the answer to your prayers if:

A. You are a small start-up business on a tight budget.

b. You are adventurous and willing to give Offshore IT Staff Leasing a try just for the hell of it.

against You are finally tired of freelancers and their excuses.

d. You are tired of your direct employees and their excuses

Offshore IT Staff Hire? What the hell am I talking about? Is offshore IT staff leasing the same as outsourcing? Too many questions… Outsourcing is not the same as Offshore IT Staff Leasing. Although fundamentally the same, they are different both in definition and in essence.

Outsourcing is an agreement with a third party to perform a service for a particular organization. With outsourcing, the company remains a third party with no obligation to your company other than the agreed service. Whereas, in offshoring, the agents hired at a particular company are an extension of your company. The person(s) you have hired is working directly for you and is part of your company even if it is located in another country. An offshore company is an extension of your business, giving you that personal involvement often needed in sensitive areas of work, particularly web development.

Do you get the point now? Hiring an offshore employee is hiring your own employee, the only difference is that the employee is not tangible. But, the quality of work is the same if not better, communication is as easy as ever with the various iMing and VOIP services multiplying every day, and you get daily updates on what your employee is doing as they daily reports are a must with most Offshore. companies. Plus, you get more than you paid for for less than half of what you pay your initial employees. Hiring an offshore IT staff from an offshore IT staff leasing company gets you not one, not two, but three employees. You get your agent, plus a project manager/supervisor and a quality checker, all for the price of one! Definitely! But don’t take my word for it, give it a try and see if it’s for you.

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