Walking to lose weight: a great way to lose pounds

Many people jump into losing weight expecting immediate results. Even more people start a program that is too difficult to achieve at their current level of physical and mental fitness. There is an old saying, “if you want to eat an elephant, eat it from mouth to mouth.” There is a lot of truth in this.

As a person ages, it becomes even more difficult to get into a weight loss program. First of all, your body just doesn’t lift weights like it used to when out of shape. Jumping into a weight training program or running/jogging routine can also be very unhealthy for your joints and back. Although it wouldn’t bother someone who has probably been doing it for many years, those who are finally deciding enough is enough and going into a weight loss program simply aren’t healthy enough to withstand the force and strain that comes with it. is exerted on their bodies. .

Walking to lose weight is a great way to start. It gets your heart pumping and causes less trauma to your ankles and knees. It increases digestion and contributes to a healthier digestive system which in turn contributes to weight loss. It doesn’t say you have to keep walking, eventually your body will get used to walking and you’ll need to increase your intensity to the next level by increasing your walking speed or distance and eventually start jogging or maybe switch between walking and some kind of walking. of resistance training that does not strain the joints. Pilates and yoga are two great ways to improve walking for weight loss.

Eating the right foods and monitoring the amount of food you eat at one sitting is also a great way to improve your diet program. Even if you never want to jog or run, walking can continue to help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your health while keeping your muscles and joints pain-free because there’s little to no impact on your joints.

The point of any diet program is to get healthy and walking is a great way to start.

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