The Framed!

Kamal finished the schedule of going to the evening show directly from the office. He couldn’t afford to miss it. The actress and director has been known to him, only on the big screen, for quite some time, and she was famous for making artistic and serious films, both in Hindi and in an Indian regional language. She watched most of her movies from her college days and always enjoyed them. Today’s is a special screening of her latest film in Hindi, maybe a kind of main show, a few days before the theatrical release. Kamal knows that serious movies like this never deserve a glamorous premiere or commercial release, and therefore these special screenings are a godsend for discerning moviegoers. He was particularly happy that the filmmaker would be there in person. His entry pass was for two. His wife of two years of marriage previously expressed her inability to do so on that particular day. So, she asked his best friend-colleague to accompany him. The friend agreed, but due to a last-minute commitment, she finally expressed her regret as well.
Kamal didn’t mind going alone, because it was better to enjoy those thought-provoking movies alone. He wanted to leave the office early, but was delayed a bit by an important visitor who was late. Finally free, he ran to the bus stop and was grateful to receive it right away. Even if the bus takes half an hour in this rush hour, he should be on time for the show, he thought. And he made it to the huge auditorium complex on time.
As was natural in serious movies, the show was set up in the mini-auditorium on the ground floor. Not bothering to look at the people who were still drinking tea and chatting in the lounge, Kamal immediately entered and was once again pleased to get a good seat in the back. The show started on time after a short introduction from the actor and director. He thoroughly enjoyed watching. More so, because there was no gap as the movie only lasted about an hour and a half. After he finished the movie, he continued to sit for a while, thinking about it and enjoying the precious moments of the movie. Finally, he came out fully satisfied and with a slightly misty pair of eyes.
He saw several groups of people engaged in animated discussions in the room, bright and well lit now. She pondered for a moment about getting a cup of tea from the busy counter. But, she mused, why spend so much when I’ll get a better-brewed cup of tea from the roadside stall for a fraction of the price here?
As he made his way towards the exit, he suddenly saw the actor and director surrounded by a much larger group. She looked beautiful and heavenly under the lights despite being in her fifties, and Kamal discovered a rapidly evolving resolve within him. Yes, he always wanted to meet her. He had so much to discuss and say to her, and so much appreciation to pass on to her. On today’s movie in particular, he wanted to congratulate her, and he was looking forward to telling him her opinion, already delicately formed in the mold of his film appreciation. With the resolve firm within him, Kamal began to prowl closer to that target group. Finally getting conveniently closer, he took two firm steps toward her and froze. She was staring at him with intent and an unwavering gaze.
Normally, such a look from a very important lady would have pleased him immensely. But something in that look unsettled him and produced an unpleasant agitation in him. She looked at him as if she was going to devour him right there. Kamal seemed to perceive, though not quite sure of it, that there was an abominable carnality in the look. He got scared. An overwhelming premonition of danger enveloped him. Kamal made another decisive resolution.
He bolted out of the room and almost ran to the bus stop. Once again pleased, he got it quickly and also got a window seat. And his mind raced: was she right about the look? Does my feeling about his appearance reflect his feelings about me? He wasn’t too sure. However, he reflected, gut feelings are mostly correct and should always be followed, respected, I must have done the right thing. As the bus raced to the local train station where he would catch a direct train home, three options for the problem at hand took shape in his mind.
First, your instincts are genuine. Secondly, she could have been interested in him from a film point of view, that is, possibly to include him in her future projects. And third, both options are correct. Now Kamal embarked on a cost-benefit analysis.
Option 1: he does the right thing… his wife’s innocent face constantly appears and disappears; she is in fact carnivorous or omnivorous or whatever; or cadaverous? shit, that’s the wrong word! firm conclusion, she escaped. Option 2: here she must have missed an opportunity; he does not boast that he is young and handsome, people, particularly of the fairer variety, say this; firm conclusion, he lost painfully. Option 3: She is interested in him both for the sensuality angle and the to emit possible; he must have won here too…yes…the innocent face of the wife…yes…he missed an opportunity…no…wife…rest…no…yes ; firm conclusion, not at all firm; damn it all!

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