The Evolution Revolution: Let Freedom Ring

Our precious United States of America was founded on the principles of brotherhood, equality, and universal liberties, based on the inalienable rights of its constituents. However, in barely two hundred years, instead of leading the world towards peace and prosperity, it has become a leader in greed and exploitation. Like the Roman Empire before its fall, this society is rife with corruption and hedonism.

The time has come for We the People to take up our responsibility and play the role our great country was always destined to play: to lead the world into an era of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All. These concepts are not platitudes meant for greeting cards, to be trotted out during a season of aging taking the blame and spreading good humor, but as principles to live by.

The time has come for We the People to wake up from the trance we have been working through and, like Sleeping Beauty awakened by her Prince, find True Love at last.

True love: Kindness and compassion, not bigger, better, more.
True Love: Kindness and mercy, do not consume until you vomit.
True Love: Righteousness and non-violence, not imposing our will on other sovereign states.

Martin Luther King had a dream. And he was killed.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy had a vision. And he was killed.

But We the People are a multitude, and they cannot kill us all.

We the People are already carrying the torch of Truth across the planet. We the People are already shining the Light of Love across the planet. We the People are already spreading the Peace that passes all understanding across the entire planet. We the People may be a minority in number, but we are powerful in our conviction.

We are not united yet, except for our humanity. We are still not recognizable, except for our completeness. We are not citizens of a nation or practitioners of a religion; we are not members of a single race, but we all speak the same language: the language of Love and Brotherhood.

We love and respect Creation and our neighbor as ourselves. We do not practice an eye for an eye, but turn the other cheek; and demonstrate not with words but with deeds how we would like our world to be: caring for each other and making sure there is enough for everyone. We are not involved with the superficial, caught up in appearance, but concerned with substance and deeply connected to an inner essence, a Higher Reality.

We the people, of all nations, all races and all creeds, are walking across this entire planet, the revolution of evolution is happening, quietly, pervasively and persistently, and it is time to let our voices be heard. united voice.

The United States of America is destined to play a role in this Evolutionary Revolution. Not as a bully, but as a benevolent role model. And the universe that is Hollywood, with its companion planets and stars who possess the power and wherewithal to lead, must do so. Hollywood must carry the message to the people in the crowd that they are not alone:

You are not loose drops that fall on parched land, but part of an immense Ocean of Love, a great tide of Consciousness that is sweeping the Earth and settling in every nook and cranny.

We must unite and speak with One Voice.
We must let the language of Love resonate throughout the world.
We must demonstrate our sister/brotherhood as one humanity, and refuse to accept or condone oppression in any form: there can be no moral or legal justification for tyranny or oppression.

“…from every mountaintop, let Freedom ring.”

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