The antidote against despair and helplessness: so necessary in these difficult times!

Regardless of what is happening in the nation and what may be happening across the planet, it is the job of physicians to deal with disease, and it is the job of the Church of Jesus Christ to deal with disease.

The Word of God is written to help people who suffer from discomfort and pain, and it is to this Word that we turn.

I Corinthians 13 – “Faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.”

Many years ago, I ‘translated’ them as Obedience, Security and Loyalty.

Things are not getting much better. This pandemic is lasting longer than many thought, and longer than many of us wanted.

Faith in God and His Word keeps us hopeful in difficult times.

Hope is based on knowledge – certain knowledge – certain knowledge.

Faith and hope go together. We have hope, because we know that the difficulties will not last. No problem comes to stay, it will pass.
Hope is more than optimism, and more than wishes or illusions. Hope can say that when a thing is bad, it is bad.

Hebrews 6 verse 19 – “We have this hope as an anchor of the soul, firm and sure.” When we sing together, we sing, “Jesus is King and I will exalt him –
We have a hope that is firm and certain, passing through the curtain and touching the throne.” Faith is security, that is, a certain hope.

This hope is strong – solid – robust – stable – firm – immutable – dependent – an anchor. HOPE – that keeps you from drifting and gives you stability in a storm.

It is easy to drift in life, away from God. The oldest anchors were rocks embedded in the ocean floor with a rope or chain to stabilize the ship.

We are facing a massive tidal wave – we need a strong anchor in 2020.

True hope is based on Jesus Christ and God’s Word, not my wishes.

James 5 verse 10 – the prophets are an encouraging example for us.
We have hope because we know that God will use these times for good and growth; these problems test our faith, allowing us to grow and mature.

The opening verses of James speak of joy, trial, and perseverance, and James knew what he was talking about. He may not feel that he is growing, he may feel tired, drained and drained, and maybe even feeling drained in faith.
2 Corinthians 4 verses 17 and 18 remind us not to fix our eyes on what is seen but on what is unseen – what is seen is temporary but what is not seen is eternal.
We have hope, because we know that trusting God pleases him.
James 2 verse 23 – ‘Abraham believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous.’ And so Abraham was called a friend of God.”

Abraham didn’t know all the details beforehand, he didn’t have all his questions answered, he didn’t know where, when, why or how God was working in his life. He believed in God and trusted God.

Many plans and dreams have been disrupted, like those of Abraham, but he continued to trust in God, Romans, Hebrews and James confirm it.

We have hope, security, because we know that this is not the end of the story. We are in the middle of history, and it is currently unclear, cloudy and messy, but God cares about all the details of our lives.

Luke 18 verse 1 – Jesus gave the key to any despair – always pray and don’t give up – never lose hope.

We will either panic or pray or worry or worship.

What makes people give in to despair and give up? It’s when we feel alone or abandoned, or when life seems out of control and we don’t see the way forward, or when we don’t have what we need and feel like we’re stuck, or when we’ve done something. evil and guilt or shame or remorse cause despair, as Peter experienced, or when someone has hurt us deep and that pain is deep and that thorn goes through, or when we are pushed in the wrong direction, that is called temptation.

The antidote is found in the phrases of what we call “The Lord’s Prayer.” This is an anchor that can keep us from drifting, but it gives us stability in the storm.

My loving Father will never abandon me – The power of God is greater than any problem when life seems out of control – God can fit everything into His plan, which is the Kingdom of God – God has something great for us to do – when I am worried about not having enough, I remember that God has promised to meet all my needs – “our daily bread”.

Jesus died and paid the price for my sins – when I feel hurt – hurt – misunderstood – I need to remember that God will settle accounts one day – when temptation is strong God has promised to help me – “lead us not into temptation” – he will will show an exit and stop you –

When I am afraid, Jesus in me is greater than any other power – Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Romans 15 verse 13 – “May the God of hope” – He is the God of certainty and safety. He wants to keep us safe, reassured and secure.

No human leader is going to solve all our problems, no one is going to solve all the current financial difficulties, in our life, keep looking to Jesus Christ, our Savior, and trusting in Almighty God completely and totally.

“Our loving Father, help me to be sure that You will never abandon me. Your power is greater than any problem. As life around me seems to be out of control, You can fit everything into Your plan, which is the Kingdom of God. Father, I know you have something big for me to do.
When I worry about not having enough, I remember that You promised to meet all my needs.
Father, Jesus taught us – “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Father, Jesus died and paid the price for my sins. When I feel hurt, hurt, misunderstood, I need to remember that You will fix everything one day.
Father, when temptation is strong, You have promised to help me – “lead us not into temptation” – “deliver us from evil”. You will show me a way out and how to stand.
Father, when I am afraid, Jesus in me is greater than any other power – Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Our Loving Father – Thank You – for giving me – for giving us – so much.” Amen

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