Remedy for cold sores

Cold sores can be embarrassing and painful, especially when inside the mouth. They can make it difficult to eat and even spread to the throat, where swelling and irritation are a major concern. Let’s look at one or two remedies for cold sores.

When the mucous membranes of the mouth become infected with the herpes simplex virus 1, the result is painful mouth sores. To understand the treatment we must understand how the virus works.

There are two types of herpes simplex virus, one and two, type one is generally responsible for outbreaks above the waist and type two below. However, this is only a generality because either one can cross the boundary. Once you have contracted the virus, it stays on your system forever, waiting dormant. There are many things that can trigger an outbreak, including illness, stress, and trauma to the skin. Sometimes there is no trigger at all. Knowing the triggers can help prevent further outbreaks.

Since the root cause of a cold sore is a viral infection, the most common treatments are topical or oral antiviral medications. If you are experiencing a severe flare-up or the lesions have moved to the inside of your mouth, you will want to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. Otherwise, an over-the-counter antiviral cream is a good option.

Some home remedies can be helpful, especially if you develop a sore in the middle of the night.

* When you feel a cold sore coming on, you can relieve some of the symptoms by rubbing ice on the area.

* A used tea bag applied for a few minutes will relieve the itching and burning of cold sores, you can try a hot tea bag and leave it on for up to 30 minutes.

* Witch hazel, camphophenic or a similar antiseptic may relieve symptoms

* Lemon balm has antiviral properties; In a German study, the use of lemon balm helped heal sores within five days, with continued use also appearing to stop future breakouts.

* Lysine is an essential amino acid and has been shown to slow the spread of the herpes virus. We don’t do this naturally in our bodies, so we must get it from diet or supplements. It can be found in red meat, milk, and eggs, however, to get a large enough dose, a supplement is recommended. In some areas, there are ointments with added lysine that are very effective in speeding up the healing process.

* A compound called Resveratrol found naturally in red grapes is an effective ingredient in cold sore creams applied within six hours of infection.

Essentially, the important part of a cold sore remedy is treating it early and using good hygiene to prevent the spread. Combine that with good general health practices, namely getting plenty of rest and drinking enough fluids, and you can greatly reduce the severity and number of cold sores you get in a year.

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