New book provides hard truth about the US economy and how to protect your money

I must admit that I am optimistic. I’ve heard people lament how the economy is going to pot and America’s best days are behind us. I don’t want to believe that, but when I read “The Swiss Perspective” by Wanek Stein, I realized that it really is better to be safe than sorry.

Stein is very realistic about the current state of the US and world economies. He does not utter doom and gloom prophecies, but after exposing the truth of the horrendous and almost unbelievable levels of current US debt and what has happened in other countries like Argentina that have been in this situation, only a fool would not would notice. that the situation is to say.

Instead of panicking, Stein offers individual investors a solution to protect their hard-earned savings from a down economy. We have all heard of Swiss bank accounts, but most of us are probably not aware of their advantages. Stein not only explains why we should protect our money in Switzerland, but also discusses how you can avoid the loopholes and stay in line with the US tax system when making the decision to protect your money abroad.
While some people may find it unpatriotic to invest or move your money to Switzerland, Stein wisely cautions: “Never fall in love with something you can’t love back. That includes a house, a purse…and even a country.” “Unfortunately, I’m afraid you’re absolutely right.

I won’t go into more detail about the process that Stein advocates, but I will say that it is much simpler than one might think, and Stein has clearly done a thorough investigation of the situation and has the best interests of the investor in mind. Stein is a longtime financial advisor, joining his father’s insurance business in Idaho at a young age, serving in the US military, and then spending years in Europe selling hedge funds and connecting with professionals. from the investment. Today, he is the founder and CEO. Delphi Planning, Inc., a Boise, Idaho-based financial planning organization serving business and individual clients in the United States and Europe.

Hopefully, the situation Stein warns us about will never come to pass, but it’s always best to play it safe. I encourage people to read “The Swiss Perspective” and decide for themselves. After all, what do you have to lose except your hard-earned money?

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