Learn the two powerful secrets to creating powerful, high-impact copywriting

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Now you might be wondering if this copywriting business is really as complicated as many say it is. Well, the fact of the matter is that being good at copywriting is not a gift from God or a genetic trait. Nor is it something mysterious or magical that only a lucky few can grasp.

If you want to master the ability to create powerful, high-impact copy, I have good news for you. This ability that you can learn In this article, I’ll reveal two powerful secrets that will put you on the path to becoming a skilled professional copywriter.

The secret to writing like you talk

You’ve probably learned the importance of knowing who you’re talking to. In other words, “Know the Prospect about him.” And once you do, you can “see” it and immediately know how to talk to it. You know what tone and phrases to use, and what promises to make.

But if you really want to get their attention you have to go one step further. You have to talk to him in an informal and conversational way, just like you would if you were talking to a friend. You must write as you speak. Now, of course, this is easier said than done because this is not something we are taught in school. (Actually, all through school we are discouraged from writing conversationally.)

There is very little of it on the market today and you can find it in only two places, 1) copywriting or 2) in dialogue fiction. And even then, copywriting is still the closest way people actually talk. No fancy and over the top language is ever used here. You don’t have to worry about being grammatically correct or using some complicated literary device.

In fact, good effective copywriting is the furthest thing from proper formal English. Never make your copy boring or academic and keep the writing on par with your prospect. Never higher and never lower. But the most important thing is to get as close as possible to spoken English.

Now, since you can’t use body language, it’s impossible to write exactly while you talk but you can get very close to him. In your writing you can do certain things that are equivalent to raising an eyebrow, speeding up your voice, controlling your pace, or inflecting a word.

So if you want to emphasize something in particular to your potential client, you can put it in italics, underline or CAPITALIZE IT. You might even pause for a moment…….

Or skip a line.

But it is not enough to write as one speaks. If you really want to “sell” your prospect, you have to get excited about your product and you have to put it in writing and this brings us to secret #2

The secret of writing with passion

Surely you have heard that the best things in life are those that are created with passion. Don’t you think it was passion that built the Statue of Liberty or put a man on the moon?

Without passion where is the impetus and vitality….

The same goes for the writing. When you write with passion, his words will have more meaning, your copy will have a certain lushness, and his ideas will be clearer and more compelling. And his voice will be richer, stronger and much more convincing.

Better yet, your energy will move to your prospect. Not only will they be excited about your product, but they’ll also want to send YOU your hard-earned money. If you don’t write with passion, you’ll put your reader to sleep, or worse, you’ll lose the sale.

So passion rules.

But one thing to keep in mind is that you cannot “invent” passion. You have to really feel the passion for whatever it is you’re selling. One way to do this is to make a list of all the good qualities of your product and start getting excited about it.

You’ll know when it’s going to happen because you’ll want to tell everyone about it, and you’ll naturally start to “sell” it to people you meet in casual conversation. You need to develop your own internal passion for your product, even if it’s just a temporary passion that dissipates once you’ve finished writing the sales letter.

When you can write informally and passionately, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a qualified professional copywriter.

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