How to Cold Call as a Staff Sales Executive

If you don’t think cold calling will work in 2017, stop reading this article and go back to email. Cold calling still works BIG. Here’s why and how to cold call staffing effectively…

Depending on the industry you work for, cold calling will be more effective than others. For example, the industry I serve, Telecommunications, is made up of Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers ​​who are not afraid of human contact and conversation on the phone. This is how we grew up and this was the preferred method in the business world in the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s.

…Look at your industry and understand your target audience.

For cold calling at work, you have to believe that you will. You can’t have a shadow of a doubt in your mind before you pick up that phone. Get your mindset right and convince yourself that this will work.

What is the best way to open your call? Here is my release…

“Hi Peter, (never use Mr.’s last name), makes you seem subordinate from the start. My name is x, with x company and our core competition is x,x,x. We work with x companies within our industry to help Can I be a resource for you from time to time?

That is all! Then SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. I don’t care if there is 20 seconds of awkward silence, awkward silence is good! I see and hear so many staff sales executives ramble and talk about opportunities. Listen and listen more.

Let’s analyze my tone above. The first name sets a level playing field. Posture and positioning are critical in sales (read any Seth Godin book), especially in the hiring and staffing business. Sharing core competency and customers establishes immediate relevance and credibility. This is also critical because most people’s attention today is 1-2 seconds.

The word “qualified” says a lot. Hiring managers need quality. If you simply say that we secure resources, then you are not setting yourself apart from other recruiters. If you question your “quality” claim, this is when you have it! Share success stories. Share what other customers tell you. This is powerful.

I use projects and direct contracting to make sure you understand that we cover both sides of the business and can be flexible with your business needs. Hiring managers love options and flexibility.

My final question, “Can I be a resource for you from time to time?” It has been my ace in the hole. Very non-threatening and doesn’t make you look desperate. It makes the hiring manager think proactively, and if he’s smart, he’ll keep that in mind should he need it in the near future.

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