How do you educate your child with special needs for the real world when they grow up?

Educating your child with special needs is extremely important, if he is ever to grow up and participate in the real world. There are many learning disabilities that children will outgrow and will be able to overcome to lead a normal, active life and participate well in society. Of course, there are some things that are nearly impossible to predict, proving that your special needs child’s education never stops.

I was discussing this the other day with a very nice couple whose special needs teen was not cut out to go to college, and did not graduate from high school in the regular class, yet received the right education for their particular child. , and they would have to continually work with their children to prepare them for the real world. Fortunately, there are other social services available to help them through this process, but life will always be challenging.

There was an interesting article not long ago on FOX News titled; “TSA Admits ‘Bad Judgment’ After Disabled Man Subjected to Airport Frisk,” which was published on June 10, 2011. The news segment noted;

“A Detroit parent told FOX that the TSA selected his special needs son for a pat down while the family was en route to Disney World. The TSA admitted it was a case of bad judgment. The Detroit Metropolitan Airport took his son Drew, 29, and asked him about the padding under his pants, which turned out to be adult diapers Drew, who is severely mentally disabled, had trouble understanding officers’ orders because his family said he He has the mental capacity of a 2 year old.

When the father stepped in to explain, the TSA people said to step aside, let them do their job, that they knew what they were doing and not to interfere. Perhaps, you can understand how difficult this was for the family, but come back to my main point, and that is; Just because your child can understand how to count money, dress, cook on a limited basis, and perhaps live on his own, doesn’t mean he’s prepared for all the things that can happen in his life.

In this case it turned out to be quite an event, and perhaps traumatic for the person with mental disability. Perhaps the biggest problem here is that many people in our society don’t understand how difficult it is, but perhaps something good will come out of this story in the news and remind us all that these people with special needs are also members of our society. , and we must also take care of them. In fact, I hope you will please consider all of this and think about it.

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