Family Caregiver – Part 8 – Exercise and Elderly Wheelchair Patients

Exercise is important to everyone, including the wheelchair patient. Stretching, walking, everything helps the patient feel more comfortable in the end. I have no luck getting my husband to exercise. He says he gets enough exercise just trying to move his body from bed to wheelchair. On really good days, you can walk down the hall, a total of 20 steps. We rejoice in those days, but they are few and far between. Never stop encouraging movement and rejoice in the accomplishments.

My husband had terribly restless legs during the day and before bed at the beginning of his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. The only thing that helped was using a portable bicycle pedal machine, the kind that sits on the floor in front of a chair. He used it on the bed, placed at the foot of the bed. An added benefit were stronger legs and better control of his legs when he tried to walk. Since the disease has progressed and he is taking different medications, the restless legs do not bother him as much and he does not use the pedal machine. Unfortunately, the strength of his legs has decreased.

Physical therapy can help if the patient participates. It can become a welcome day away from home, an opportunity to see the outside world and socialize with therapists and other patients. When the patient does not follow the program, there is not much that can be done to force the problem. If you do not participate and receive the benefits of the program, both the patient and the caregiver suffer. Sympathizing with the patient’s condition and giving in to his indifference does not help. A harsh loving attitude can help, but it can also create more problems to deal with once the patient is home. Choose your battles.

Having assistance, a helper, can make the biggest difference in your daily life. A trained assistant, I have a CNA to help me with my husband, he can help with moderate exercises and stretching. Still, the patient must be willing to participate. Having someone else exercise the patient can give the caregiver a well-earned break and gives the patient a new face and personality to explore. Friends and family can help if they are available. Help both the caregiver and the patient if the help and the helper are consistent. Changing helpers every day or every other day can be very difficult for you and the patient, as you will have to retrain every new helper, be it friend or paid CNA. Having a steady relationship with a trusted helper can add a dose of “normalcy” to your life that is so unpredictable.

Caregiver needs
The caregiver should also participate in some form of physical exercise to defend against injury by stretching or overstretching, or trying to carry more weight than they can. Even if you only walk a few minutes a day, it can help. Pushing and pulling the patient does not count as exercise. I know I feel better, my muscles hurt less if I also do other activities around the house. Gardening that requires bending and reaching can help when bending over to tie your shoes. Walking the dog gets him out of the house for a few minutes outside and gives you a chance to stretch those stiff muscles from sitting with him. And it gives you the opportunity to put a few minutes of distance between you and your patient, a “breather.”

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