Elliptical Trainer Sleepy Foot Syndrome

Have you ever walked away with your elliptical trainer, had a great workout, and then realized that one of your feet has suddenly gone numb? It’s not fun and it’s a great way to break your focus and ruin what would otherwise be a great workout. Sometimes your foot throbs so much that you need to shorten your elliptical training workout to eliminate the numbness. This article will reveal why this happens and give you some tips to deal with it.

It seems unusual for your foot to fall asleep while standing. This usually happens while you are lying down or sitting, but have you ever stood in the same position on a line that is not moving? This is the perfect condition to numb your feet. It’s about traffic. Simply wiggling your toes or flexing your foot is usually enough to relieve tingling and numbness.

Using an elliptical trainer is very similar to standing still in one place. Well, at least with respect to your feet. The low-impact nature of an elliptical exerciser is the result of your feet never leaving the pedals. While it’s great for your knees and other joints, it’s what can cause your feet to lose feeling.

It is important to wear well-cushioned athletic shoes when exercising on an elliptical cross trainer, but this generally does not do much to prevent numbness in your feet. The main cause of the problem is the constant pressure of your body weight on your feet and the resulting restricted circulation.

The remedy is twofold:

1. Promote circulation – remember to wiggle your toes from time to time during your workout. Another technique is flexing the foot from heel to toe. Simply move your foot from heel to toe on the pedal of the elliptical while exercising. Most people tend to experience numbness in one of their feet, but if you have numbness in both, perform these movements with both feet. Also try to remember to do these movements throughout your workout, before numbness sets in.

2. Avoid excessively long workouts – The optimal range for fat burning and moderate cardiovascular conditioning on an elliptical trainer is 30 to 45 minutes. More than 45 minutes may be longer than most people need. It is generally more productive to do two 30-minute workouts on an elliptical trainer during the day than one extended one-hour workout.

The longer you stay on an elliptical trainer, the more likely your feet will become numb due to lack of circulation.

Although it is annoying, you can get rid of the effects of Elliptical Trainer Sleepy Foot Syndrome And in many cases avoid it completely with these simple techniques.

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