Effective prevention of school-based violence

In the area of ​​violence prevention, the need for programs in schools and other institutions that work with youth has increased at a faster rate than the availability of robust evaluation research. The causes of school-related violence have been examined in numerous studies, and there is evidence that prevention and early intervention efforts can reduce problem behaviors in schools. Research-based practices can help school communities recognize the warning signs of violence, promote a positive school climate, and encourage norms against violence.

Definitive studies are not yet available to identify the most effective violence prevention curricula. Although some methodologically rigorous evaluation studies are underway, none have been completed at this time. However, preliminary findings from these studies suggest that certain strategies may reduce aggressive behavior in students. Based on these preliminary studies, it is reasonable to expect that violence prevention curricula will be an effective component of our national violence prevention strategy. However, it may be five years before studies identify programs that work or begin to answer important questions about the various skill areas needed or the minimum number of sessions required.

Most curricula currently available to schools use a broad definition of violence, which includes fighting, bullying or harassment, and other acts of aggression. These curricula help students learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully. A limited number of programs focus on more specific topics related to violence, including hate crimes and dating violence. While serious acts of violence (eg, homicide or rape) are relatively rare in schools, assault and bullying are often all too familiar. Therefore, curricula that address these everyday problems or promote peace are welcome and of immediate relevance to schools. Based on studies of the causes of violence, as well as studies of other types of prevention programs (eg, crime prevention, drug abuse prevention), this document lists the elements of a school curriculum effective in preventing violence.

A recent guide to violence prevention identified a total of 83 violence-focused prevention school curricula, a staggering number given that the field of violence prevention is so young. As a point of comparison, drug abuse prevention programs have been around for more than 30 years, yet a recent drug abuse prevention guide identified only 46 programs available to schools. On the surface, this would appear to be a contradiction. Why would violence prevention, a newer field than drug abuse prevention, have nearly twice as many programs? The answer, according to users of these programs, is that there probably hasn’t been time yet to remove the ones that don’t work. Although drug abuse prevention curricula have been the subject of rigorous evaluation studies for the past two decades, very few curricula in the field of violence prevention are currently being evaluated, and little is known about what it will work. Of the 83 newly identified curricula, only seven had been evaluated using pretest-posttest control group designs, with aggressive behavior outcomes. None of these had followed the students beyond the initial posttest.

The content of an effective curriculum can be organized into two main areas: normative education and life skills training. While programs often focus only on normative education or life skills training, research indicates that the best programs will combine these approaches. Normative education (including school climate programs) is designed to promote a positive and peaceful norm and to correct misperceptions that students often have about violence. For example, many students believe that fighting is an appropriate way to handle conflict. School administrators send powerful messages about whether or not bullying and harassment will be tolerated. Good policy programs help schools communicate a strong message that violence will not be tolerated by adults and that consequences for violence-related violations of school rules will be swift and certain.

Life skills training includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills that teach youth how to make decisions, solve problems, deal with stress and anxiety, set goals for the future, communicate effectively, get along with others , be assertive and resist negative social situations. influences. Life skills training approaches have been shown in a number of prevention studies to improve personal and social competence, as well as reduce a variety of problem or risk behaviors, including smoking, drinking, drug use, and delinquency. Specific skills especially relevant to violence prevention include anger management and empathy training, as well as social problem solving. A comprehensive and multifaceted strategy with activities for families, schools and communities. Life skills and positive norms must be developed and reinforced in a variety of settings. Within the school, well-designed curricula provide ways to infuse materials into different subject areas as well as different settings (eg, playground, cafeteria). Ideally, there are complementary programs for families as well as communities so that new norms and skills are also reinforced outside of school. Media campaigns also help generalize and institutionalize prevention strategies.

Prevention strategies should begin early in the primary grades and be reinforced at all grade levels. Research has not yet determined the number of sessions needed to reduce aggression or violence. Because life skills approaches are effective in reducing the risk of a variety of problem behaviors, one way to provide robust implementation and appropriate follow-up is to develop an integrated strategy that addresses multiple problem behaviors within the context of a single problem behavior. Program. Life skills development and behavior change may require multiple sessions; An integrated approach helps minimize the number of sessions required to address different problem behaviors by providing skills training each year at school and reinforcing skills developed in previous years.

Prevention programs are more likely to be accepted and effective if they address the developmental issues and cultural norms of their audience. For example, adolescents are interested in being accepted by their peers, and programs that teach skills to resist negative peer influence while maintaining friendships are more likely to be effective than prevention programs that suggest youth should “just say no.”

Personal and social skills are most effectively taught through modeling and coaching. Additionally, students need opportunities to practice new skills. Interactive techniques using discussion, cooperative learning, behavioral rehearsal, and role play have a greater impact on behavior. Peer mediation is an element of some violence prevention programs that involves providing peer leaders with the interactive skills needed to mediate student conflicts. Training peers in this way can also help develop and reinforce positive norms.

For prevention strategies to have an impact, they must be implemented effectively. Teachers need to understand what the critical elements are and how to develop them using interactive techniques. Educator training that includes modeling and on-site training helps teachers master the program and deliver violence prevention.

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