Earn gold with gathering professions in Mists of Pandaria

Gathering professions are great for earning gold in the early stages of any expansion and this includes the latest Mists of Pandaria expansion.

As players strive to level up their professions they will need to purchase materials from the auction house and you can sell your stocks at extremely high prices that would never soar in a mature market.

Jump in fast and reap the benefits of gathering before Mists of Pandaria is fully mature with most players hitting the level cap and maxing out their professions.

make gold with skinning

Skinning is usually overlooked by most players because it doesn’t work well after an expansion has matured. On the other hand, skinning can be one of the most profitable gathering professions if you know how to take advantage of it properly.

The key to earn money fast

The best way to win with skinning is to find a location with creatures you can skin that other players are destroying. It has to be an area that has a large number of creatures gathered so that there are a lot of bodies to skin.

After you’ve located an area that’s teeming with skinning creatures, simply jump from one corpse to another skinning as much as you can.

You’ll be surprised at how much leather you can get through this method and it works great early in the expansion when respawn rates increase to keep up with the large number of players who are more or less the same. level.

It is very important to stay with the majority of players as they level up so that you can stay in those very popular locations that are full of corpses to skin.

make gold with mining

Mining is much more popular than skinning and because of that you will have more competition. In order to make a lot of money mining, you need to focus on locations that are not popular or locations that are ahead of most other players.

If you can level up very quickly, you can stay ahead of most of the player base and create huge ore reserves that you can sell for very high prices.

Ore is all about supply and demand, early on high level ore will be in high demand and if you are one of the few supplying it you can ask ridiculous amounts of money for it.

As an added bonus, the mining profession will still be profitable after the expansion has settled in because it is always in demand and ore is more difficult to obtain than the other collectibles.

Make Gold with Herbalism

Just like mining, to make the most money from herbalism, you need to be on the cutting edge. That means you have to be willing to level up quickly and collect as many herbs as you can before other players have a chance to flood the market with them.

In those early days, when you’re one of the first players to get your hands on herbs, you’ll be able to set the price you want to sell them for, and people will have no choice but to pay you what you want.

Later the price will drop and you will have to settle for less money, so sell them off as fast as you can before the prices drop.

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