Calcium: Why bother?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body. It makes up about half of the total mineral content of the body. Therefore, we call it macromineral. This macromineral plays a very important role in the development of strong bones and teeth and is vital in the conduction of nerve impulses, as well as in blood clotting and muscle contraction. Are you getting enough?

The best source of calcium is milk, because the vitamin D content of milk improves calcium absorption. Other good sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, cheese and yogurt, sardines with edible bones, canned salmon with bones, calcium-fortified juice, and vanilla ice cream.

People who prefer vegetarian or vegan diets can opt for soy products to ensure adequate calcium intake, such as soy milk or tofu. Any diet can be enriched with products rich in calcium. Adequate daily intake of this important mineral promotes strong bones and teeth in children and prevents osteoporosis in adults (men and women!).

Review these recommendations for calcium intake:

Children: 2 servings of foods rich in calcium

Teens: 3-4 servings of calcium-rich foods

Adults: 3-4 servings of foods rich in calcium

You may ramble on what constitutes a serving of a calcium-rich food. A glass of milk, calcium fortified juice or soy milk, 1 slice of cheese, 1 cup of yogurt, or 3/4 cup of ice cream is equal to one serving. Make sure you are getting an adequate amount every day for optimal bone health!

There are certain medications that can affect your calcium levels (see below). If you take any medications, ask your healthcare provider if you need to be concerned about your calcium levels.

Medications that can affect calcium levels.







Thiazide diuretics

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