Brand yourself and become a Super Achiever

God made us different and endowed us with gifts and abilities that are special to each person, even though we share organs that are similar in function.

No two people in the world are the same, just as no two fingerprints are the same. This variety or difference aims to add flavor to life and reserve a differentiating value for everyone. However, your distinctive value is your unique selling point (USP) and everyone has it!

What is this brand concept?

Branding is a marketing concept that identifies products and their sources and also differentiates them from other products. In the same way, we must differentiate and distinguish ourselves. You become distinguished when you identify your difference with the differences of others. What gives it an advantage (like any product) over others is not the similarities it shares with them, but its points of difference. It’s what we have that others don’t (in terms of ability) that gives us an advantage, not the other way around. This is called a unique selling proposition. It is the most distinctive attribute of a given product. This is the strength of the product.

Your strength in what you do does not come from the things you share with your competitors. Rather, it is in those things that distinguish you. It is only by locating these points of difference, among others, that you can successfully use your opportunities for successful achievement. Your area of ​​difference is what will sell you. Your area of ​​difference is your strength and advantage. Therefore, focus your energy on your area of ​​strength and don’t waste time trying to develop your weakness.

Unfortunately, however, too many people have wrongly measured their weaknesses against other people’s strengths. This could be intimidating and even undermine your confidence. And you know that no one is in the spotlight if they don’t have confidence.

As different as our faces are, so are our potentialities and gifts. Never try to develop a gift along the area of ​​your weakness. The best you will become if you do it is an average person (a mediocre one). No one ever performs at a superlative level from a position of weakness. Rather, focus on your strength and let it overcome your weakness and a good way to locate your strength is through your passion, the area where you perform well without trying.

Don’t look away from your strength…

Moses sent twelve spies to spy out the Promised Land, but they failed to distinguish themselves; they did not consider their strength in God. Instead, they put their giant enemies into perspective and saw themselves as mere weaklings and slaves. These people accepted defeat because they lacked understanding of the brand; your assessment was incorrect. Thank God that two colleagues (Joshua and Caleb) understood the brand concept and distinguished themselves. They did not take into account the strength of the enemies. They established a clean point of difference by looking at their own strength of singularity; who was in God (Numbers 13.25 – 33).

Don’t stay in that circle of defeat!

Can you imagine that on another occasion they still haven’t learned their lesson? (1 Samuel 17.1-58). Here again, the Israelites were challenged to battle by the Philistines. The latter also had a giant. This giant was the champion of the Philistines. And he bragged about his power and the Israelite army freaked out and froze 🙂

Instead of coming up with an idea, they wasted time considering the giant’s imposing physique. What a terrible thing to do? This poor standard of measuring strength affected their trust in God and they became frightened.

Thank God again that while they were terrified, there was a teenager (young David) who took offense at this giant’s insults and was right to apply the concept of marking. By doing this, he gained courage by keeping in mind the distinguishing points that set him apart from the giant. David’s point of difference was his belief in God’s protection. By applying the concept of branding, David’s courage welled up and he gained the strength to put the giant to death through the effortless use of a sling and a smooth stone. (1 Samuel 17.1-58).

The lesson…

Why not stop looking at the giant of your competitors (if you can’t beat it) and look at your own area of ​​strength?

Everyone has an area of ​​strength. It is often right under our noses. Develop it… take advantage of it… put it into perspective… and you will stand out!

Ultimately, people and nations will have a voice, and will not remain in the dark for long, as they seek to develop and master their gifts and resources throughout the area of ​​strength.

You will succeed!

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