Book Review: “Infinite Mind Optimization” by Professor Erantha De Mel

Teacher. Erantha De Mel in her latest book “Infinite Mind Optimization” offers a compelling exposition of the processes of the human mind. She explains how to reprogram thought patterns and thought styles to get the desired results in life; and she also offers a technology to create change. The book explains very lucidly how patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviors are created and how we develop habits and mental programs over a period of time. Habits are not formed overnight. When we do the same thing over and over again, over a period of time, we form a habit. Our thoughts are also clothes. All of us have the ability to consider ways to reprogram our minds and create new neurological pathways to success.

Teacher. Erantha De Mel is the founder of the Neural Optimization Technique. She is an internationally renowned cognitive neuroscientist and received the 2005 Cambridge Blue Book Man of the Year award for his contribution to the field of neuroscience and cybernetics. As a practicing psychologist and researcher, both in psychology and parapsychology; he is involved in extensive research in both fields and is a scholar with original research on altered states of consciousness and psychocybernetics. The Neural Optimization Technique (NeuralOpTech) provides multiple applications for business modeling, counseling, psychology, management development, sports performance, and many more. This technique also provides a way out of old habits, fears, limiting beliefs, and provides a structure for new and empowering ways of being in the world. Some people just breathe the air; others savor the fragrance and flavor with each of their breaths. Some people look at a landscape and see cliffs, valleys, fields, and streams; others see minute details of life, weather, and splendor. “There are no facts in life. We only have perceptions”-Prof. DeMel says in her book. What we perceive is a fact for us.

Very effectively, it addresses topics such as self-sabotage (sabotaging your own success), refining your self-perception (what you believe about yourself), and receiving what you expect from your life (statement of intentions). The techniques described in this book help to untangle and redefine life situations; and clarify feelings and thoughts for your own benefit. It provides new resources to move forward in a proactive and positive way. It shows how to practice positive emotional states on a daily basis and how to manifest one’s expectations in life. “If you practice feeling ‘happy’ every day of your life, it’s easier to feel happy,” he says; because that person is practicing, affirming and creating it. That is why it is so important to choose happiness as the predominant state of mind. Conversely, if one feels depressed and low, and if that person keeps practicing going back into that depression, it will invariably create depression.

The book describes how to examine the validity of your thought processes which is important to alter your thoughts. “In finding the validity of your thoughts, you need to defend and produce evidence that the bases of your thoughts are true. If you cannot meet this challenge, the flawed nature of your thoughts is exposed. Your thoughts are also habits. When you think of the same way over and over again – over a period of time, such thought processes become habits. In other words, they become “automatic” thought processes. distorted view of the situation. For example, a person You may conclude that you are “useless” simply because you failed a test or a job interview. It is important to identify such distorted thought patterns, or cognitive distortions, and change or restructure them in a realistic way.”

This book is written with minimal technical terminology, with the average reader in mind. The information provided is excellent and invaluable in personality development and attitude change. This is a “must read” book!

Title: Optimizing the Infinite Mind
Author: Erantha De Mel
Publisher: Meli Inc. USA
Paperback: 552 pages
ISBN-10: 0982046200
ISBN-13: 978-0982046203
Reader rating: +++++

Reviewed by Dr. Jeanne Oswald

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