Best Farming Spot in Azeroth – Best Farming Spot to Deposit Gold in WoW

With the Cataclysm expansion, the Old World will undergo some drastic changes. This means that it will be a while before the best place to farm in Azeroth can be determined. However, you can be sure that the lowbie materials will be sold at an attractive price for the two new breeds. This is good news for players, as they can continue to benefit from the cloth, herbs, and ore they accumulate.

Many players continue to believe that high level herb farming is the only way to get the highest gold profit margins, but this is not the case. Even with the arrival of Cataclysm, the best place to farm is still the low and mid level dungeons of the Old World. This is due to the high drop rate of items like fabrics and blues. This method alone obviously won’t put a silver spoon in your mouth, but it will keep your bank account happy.

In the first weeks and maybe months, you will find that places like the Sholazar Basin will continue to thrive on the old areas as the best place to farm. Every time a new expansion is released, players show the need to level up their professions.

New Orbs and Herbs are spent in all new areas and are farmed and sold for a great price at the Auction House. However, in the first few weeks, the northern locations will continue to dominate as the best place to farm. Items like Frostweave can be obtained in the Borean Tundra and Saronite can be discovered in Sholazar Basin.

The aforementioned locations, of course, aren’t exactly on Azeroth, but if getting gold is your priority, the raw materials you can get there can fetch alarmingly high prices. Another great place of cultivation that no one ever thinks about is the Auction House itself. Keep an eye on prices, as you can purchase certain materials at discounted prices. Once you’ve purchased the materials, simply relist them at a higher price than you bought them for.

Having a strategy guide specifically geared towards gold making will certainly help you a lot. A good guide will specifically point out the best place to grow and the materials that can be obtained. It will also detail the best way to get the most gold through the Auction House. Visiting forms is another way to find out where other players are farming and making gold. If you need a picture, YouTube offers plenty of videos showing the exact locations being grown.

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