Acid Reflux Treatments: An Overview

What is acid reflux?

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is not a disease but a condition. Over-stuffing and under-nutrition, excessive use of spicy foods, regular alcohol consumption and smoking accompanied by no exercise are considered as main causes of acid reflux. In acid reflux, food in the stomach begins to back up into the esophagus. The food that goes up the esophagus is not the simple food. It also contains strong acids and digestive enzymes. This acidified food burns the protective mucosal lining of the lower esophagus because this burning mucosal lining is weakened and even destroyed completely. This burning and destruction makes the mucosal lining more susceptible to ulcers and cancers. The most prominent signs and symptoms include a burning sensation behind the rib cage and stabbing pain in the chest. Other symptoms include frequent coughing, difficulty swallowing, sinusitis, voice changes due to damage to the larynx, and nausea. In case of improper treatments and ignorance, acid reflux will develop into serious diseases such as ulcers, strictures, inflammation of the throat, larynx, and lungs, and even cancers.

acid reflux treatments

Acid reflux can be treated in two ways. One is the appropriate medication and the other is the simple alteration of lifestyle and eating habits. Regardless of what you use as an acid reflux treatment, consulting with a doctor is recommended. This is due to the fact that medications used to treat other conditions can inhibit medications used to treat acid reflux. Acid reflux treatments can be classified into three broad categories.

– Changes and Alterations in Lifestyles
– Medication
– Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery

Changes and Alterations in Lifestyles

In this treatment patients are advised to change their lifestyle from eating habits to sleeping habits and even body postures during physical workouts. If we talk about eating habits, patients will have to give up spicy foods, coffee, alcohol. It is also suggested to reduce the consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. It is also recommended to have a smaller meal but more than 3 times. Avoid eating just before bed. This will reduce the expansion of the stomach during digestion. Chewing gum right after eating will increase the production of saliva which in turn neutralizes the acid in the esophagus and in turn relieves acid reflux. Patients are advised to follow the guidelines below

– Ditch the tuxedo.
– Reduce caffeine consumption.
– Reduce stress
– Try to maintain ideal body weight.
– Try to avoid wearing clothing that is tight at the waist.
– Do not exercise after eating.

Poor body postures such as stooping or bending over, which cause the stomach to contract, can increase the chances of GRED. Patients are advised to try to keep their body in a straight and comfortable posture. Don’t sleep without a pillow. Keep your upper body elevated, this will not allow fluid to enter the esophagus.


Proton pump inhibitor drugs

Specific medications are also designed to be used as acid reflux treatments. Some medications reduce acid production by deactivating cell surface molecules (proton pumps) in the gastric lining. Proton pumps work with positively charged hydrogen ions and increase acid production. Proton pump inhibitor drugs have serious side effects.


Mild cases are treated with antacids. Aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and sodium bicarbonate are common antacids used as acid reflux treatments. Antacids increase the pH of the stomach and decrease acidity by neutralizing the acid in the stomach. Antacids should be taken within an hour of eating. Because the antacid cannot stay longer in an empty stomach and leave the stomach within an hour. Food increases the retention time of the antacid in the stomach. In addition to lowering the pH, antacids have certain undesirable side effects. Aluminum-containing antacids can cause constipation, while magnesium-containing antacids can cause diarrhea. Liquid antacids are preferred over tablets. The strongest liquid antacids available are Maalox II, Mylanta II, Gelusil II, and Extra Strength Riopan

alginic acids

Alginic acid is the active ingredient in foam barrier tablets. Foam barrier tablets contain alginic acid in combination with aluminum hydroxide gel and magnesium trisilicate. Alginic acid in tablets forms a protective layer on the stomach and lower esophageal mucosal lining. This allows cells to regenerate and repair themselves. Foam barrier tablets foam in the stomach. This foam begins to float on top of the liquid contents of the stomach. The foam acts as a physical barrier and does not allow the liquid to rise up the esophagus. Two foam barriers Gaviscon and Algicon are commercially available. It is recommended to chew well after 30 to 60 minutes after eating or before going to bed.


Antihistamines are also used to treat acid reflux. The walls of the stomach produce histamine. Histamine speeds up acid production by binding to specific receptors on the acid-producing cells of the stomach. Antihistamine medications bind to these receptors and block histamine binding, which in turn reduces acid production. Ranitidine, famotidine, cimetidine, and nizatidine are commonly used antihistamines or histamine antagonists. They are available over the counter as over-the-counter (OTC), but the OTC dosage is lower than those available by prescription. Antihistamine medications are taken 30 minutes before a meal. This will make the antihistamine available in higher concentration when the stomach is actively producing acids to digest food. The antihistamine provides quick relief from primary heartburn and inflammation of the esophagus.


Prokinetic drugs act on the muscles of the lower esophagus. As a result muscles harden and accelerate exit of food from a stomach. Because of this, the food does not have a chance to return to the lower esophagus. Due to dangerous side effects, its use is not recommended. The drugs have been withdrawn from the market.


Sucralfate is used for the proper functioning of the digestive muscles. They improve the healing of the esophageal muscles. Protects the sensitive mucosal lining. It is typically used in combination with GERD medications.

Surgery or Laparoscopic Surgery

Severe acid reflux can be treated with surgery. Surgical procedures are used to support the lower esophagus. This will stop the rise of acidified food in the esophagus. The surgical procedure used to accomplish this is called a fundoplication. In this method, the stomach is wrapped over the esophageal sphincter. Surgical treatment of acid reflux is very complicated. Before surgery, a thorough investigation has been carried out to check the patient’s condition. These investigations include the combination of pH impedance, tests that evaluate acid and non-acid reflux. Surgery is an invasive procedure and must be performed with the utmost care. In contrast, laparoscopic surgery is a less invasive method. In this method, small holes are made in the navel and upper abdomen. Patients get a quick recovery. Laparoscopic surgery must be performed by qualified and experienced surgeons.

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