A busy lifestyle can make your face look older, tired and dull.

It seems that people’s lives are becoming more hectic, with early mornings, late nights, busy social lives, and modern technology taking over our lives. When many of us feel pressured to fit everything into the day, it will all eventually take its toll and have the potential to prematurely age skin.

stressful schedules

A busy social life, and trying to attend every social event we’re invited to, can increase our stress levels and cause us to lose our eight hours of sleep. Tiredness and stress can cause wrinkles and dull skin, and can weaken your immune system, which can lead to breakouts.

series marathons

It seems like there are a lot of great movies and TV shows these days that we feel we must watch. In these days of box sets, no one wants to wait until next week’s episode, and we tend to binge-watch them in one go. Unfortunately, this can cause tiredness, dehydrated and dull skin, dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles under the eyes.

hours of the night

Not being able to get a good night’s sleep can wreak havoc on our skin. Whether it’s from partying with your friends, working, or watching movies late at night, we are literally missing out on our beauty sleep. One of the many side effects of drinking alcohol to excess is its ability to dry out the skin. The later we lie in bed, the more likely we are not to bother removing our makeup and this can end up clogging our pores and causing blemishes. Lack of sleep will dehydrate the skin making it appear dull and cause puffiness and dark shadows under the eyes.


It’s scary to think that our cell phones and electronic gadgets could be ruining our appearance. Our obsession with our phones and computers is really taking a toll on our neck and jaw line. The skin on the neck is thin and fragile, and because it’s a highly visible part of the body, this area can really show how quickly we’re aging. When you are constantly looking at your phone; on social media, videos, and games, it causes droopy chins and neck wrinkles, accelerating the signs of aging.

out and about

When we’re outside, we come into contact with car exhaust, smog, and dust, all of which have a detrimental effect on our skin over time. All of these are things that are impossible for us to avoid and can cause dehydration, wrinkles, and redness. Pollution is now believed to be just as damaging to our skin as UV exposure. It is important to cleanse, tone and moisturize the skin to remove daily dirt and grime.

Cosmetic clinics have many treatments to help with the latest safe and effective cosmetic medical treatments to combat fine lines and wrinkle reduction, dull and dehydrated skin, dark shadows and tear holes. Fully trained and experienced aesthetic teams will guide you through a variety of treatments, either individual treatments or a combination of different treatments.

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