4 questions to ask before your next media interview

If the circumstances are right, getting a call to participate in a media interview can be a huge boost to your business on many levels. Being included in a news story is an ideal way to raise awareness about your business; position yourself as an expert; differentiate yourself from the competition; reinforce your brand’s key messages; secure third party validation; and satisfy the curiosity of current and future customers. While most media interviews are beneficial, there can be a downside. Your involvement in the wrong story at the wrong time can damage your personal and professional reputation in a way that can take a long time to recover from. Here are several questions to consider before saying “yes” to your next media interview request:

1. Does the media outlet requesting the interview speak to its target audience? The media serve as a conduit to reach the target audience of your business. So, if your business is targeting baby boomers, it may not make much sense to do an interview with a teen magazine or an interview with a outlet in Detroit if your target audience is in Los Angeles.

2. Are you prepared for the interview? If you agree to an interview with the media, the reporter has every right to expect that you are prepared and credible. He respectfully declines the interview if he is not articulate about the subject of the interview, or if he does not have an adequate amount of time to properly prepare and conduct the interview.

3. Are you the best person to talk about it? Avoid positioning yourself as an expert in an area in which you are not. If you are asked to participate in an interview that is out of your reach, decline or refer the reporter to someone else in your network who can handle the issue. This will help you score points with the reporter, who will respect your honesty and contact for giving you a platform.

4. Is the topic too controversial? I’m a big fan of turning the big story into your story, but sometimes, it’s best to stay away from controversial topics. Measure the cost of commenting on these types of stories before proceeding with an interview. Some things to consider are whether or not you know the full story; if you have a relationship with anyone involved in the dispute; possible legal implications; and most importantly, how you and your business will be viewed after the story is published.

In general, interviews are a balancing act. To be successful, know your story, your key business messages, your target audience(s), and the local, national (and even international) climate. Getting a feel for these areas will be a good indicator of whether you should accept an interview or politely decline.

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