Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology – Background I

Zi Wei Don Shu (“ZWDS”) is a traditional Chinese statistical science of fate system based on the principles of virtual stars. It uses virtual stars instead of real stars. It uses 18 to 32 key stars, but can go as high as 108 stars depending on the lineage you belong to and individual preference. In addition to stars, ZWDS also uses 12+1 Functional Palaces with different ones to provide great detail during analysis. The interpretation will then be made according to the various interactions between Stars/Palaces/Elemental Nature/Chinese Birth Year/Multiplying Flying Stars and Starshine. With so many variables employed in the reading, it is capable of giving detailed and unambiguous details if the person using it is highly skilled.

The location of the Self (or some called Palace of Life or Destiny) varies between individuals depending on their respective birth data and the position of the other 11 Palaces will change depending on where the Palace of Self is placed. The Palace of Being is the most important reference point, as it provides an executive summary of you and reveals your innate abilities, character, physical appearance, general luck and potential development.

In fact, the Chinese long form of ZWDS, although it can be literally translated as Emperor (Zi Wei), Constellation (Dou), System of Calculations (Shu). However, it is better known as “Purple Star Astrology” in most English writings. Zi, meaning purple, actually refers to the aura color of the nobility that the Emperor will aptly possess.

Therefore, other authors may call it Emperor Astrology instead. In either case, the star Zi Wei is the first star in the series, and its position on its chart determines where all the other stars fall on the chart.

There are two main schools of Zi Wei Dou Shu practiced today. The first school emphasizes reading the characteristics of the stars and comes from the San He lineage. The other school emphasizes reading the 4 Transformations (ie what Si Hua means in Chinese) and belongs to the Si Hua lineage.

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