Writing meditation: three tips to improve your writing with creative meditation

Do you wish you could write more and write more easily? Meditation is a great tool to help you develop as a writer. The ten to 15 minutes you spend meditating each day sharpens your mind, improving your focus and concentration.

You can learn to meditate in classes or with CDs and books. A daily meditation session is a gift that you give to yourself and to your writing.

Meditation is easy to learn, and long before you become an expert meditator, you’ll find that writing helps you.

Once you’ve learned the basics, here are three tips to improve your writing with creative meditation.

1. Take your challenges into meditation to discover solutions

Everyone has challenges. It is helpful to select a challenge and make it the focus of your meditation session.

This does not mean thinking about the challenge: just hold the challenge in your mind once you have reached a meditative state. You will find that the solutions will come to you, either during the meditation itself or when you wake up the next morning.

2. The Magic Pause: Use One-Minute Meditations to Clear Your Mind

Writing requires focused concentration, and this state can be difficult to achieve if you’re tired or stressed.

Use a one-minute meditation to clear your mind. Just take several slow deep breaths and focus on your breathing.

This pause works like restarting a computer. Eliminate daily stress so you can focus on your writing.

3. Keep a meditation journal to help you overcome your challenges

As you begin to work through challenges in your meditation sessions, keep a meditation journal. Write down the date, the challenge you are meditating on, and any ideas you have.

You will be fascinated to discover that each and every challenge is solved when you meditate on it, often in a very short time.

Meditation is relaxing and calming. It can increase your productivity, and if you suffer from writing blocks, meditation will clear them up.

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