What’s new in Xcode 8 for a Swift app development company

Customer experience will be the key business differentiator for years to come. Brands and their business decision makers, customer service analysts, and academics around the world share this common view when it comes to exploring ways to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The same effort found a reflection in Apple’s modus operandi at the WWDC 2016 finale. With the announcement of iOS 10, which is expected to hit the market in the fall of the year, Apple plans to boost its customer experience strategy and make a bigger impact on the market. It will certainly not materialize without the active support of all Swift application development companies and their development teams.

Let’s take a look at the featured resources made available by the company in its latest IDE (Integrated Development Environment), that is, Xcode 8.0 Beta to support the development of applications compatible with iOS 10.

Source code editor extensions

Xcode 8 adds support for Xcode source code editor extensions. Application extensions provide additional commands in the Xcode editor menu. Extensions can be used to modify texts and selection areas. Swift app developers can use the Xcode source editor extension target template in the Extensions section of the macOS app before starting any project.

Interface builder

Migration to automatic layout is easier with the built-in Interface Builder. A developer no longer needs to generate implicit constraints for unconstrained views. You can also zoom in and out of the interface on iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, as well as edit the encoding. Xcode 8 offers a completely redesigned workflow for working with feature variations (eg size classes) and favors UI design in terms of actual device size rather than intentionally using abstract rectangles. The canvas allows developers to see interactions between iOS views as they appear at runtime, including the precise composition of the UIVisualEffectView.

Runtime disinfectants

Xcode introduces a new Thread Sanitizer feature to help Swift developers with compiler instrumentation and runtime monitoring. This will help detect and eliminate data runs and other concurrency errors in Swift or Objective-C programs. It can also detect memory corruption errors that are triggered by using types like UnsafeMutablePointer.

Static analyzer

Helps check for nullability violations at both aggressive and less aggressive levels. The most aggressive level examines nullability violations on all calls. It remains active by default for new projects. The least aggressive level checks for nullability violations in calls to project headers. However, it does not do so with the system headers.


Xcode Playgrounds destined for macOS will now run with open source Swift toolchains from Swift.org. However, playgrounds destined for iOS or tvOS will be based on the Xcode 8.0 toolchain. The video tag associated with Playgrounds will also support remote URLs.

I hope that this latest IDE in association with the powerful Swift 3.0 language will help Swift application development companies and their developers to create quality applications that meet the needs of their customers. Without a doubt, the approach should not dilute the comfort and convenience of end users, as Apple is not going to take a hit on that front.

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