What are some disadvantages of abdominoplasty?

When looking to undergo a tummy tuck procedure, it’s natural to dwell on all the ways the procedure will improve your life. You will look amazing in a bikini, you will be less shy, you will look like when you were 18 years old and you will blow your husband away with how beautiful you look. However, it is important to spend as much time thinking about the disadvantages of a tummy tuck as the advantages, in order to have a clear mind when making the decision to undergo elective cosmetic surgery.

Many women have trouble losing weight in the abdominal region, no matter how many sit-ups they do, how far they run, or how many days they go without eating anything but broccoli. Getting a tummy tuck is a quick fix to get the flat, toned tummy you’ve been dreaming of since having your last child. However, that is exactly what the tummy tuck procedure is, a “quick fix.” When women lose weight the old-fashioned way, through exercise and diet, they create a routine for themselves; a habit that they must follow every day to maintain the weight. However, when women (or men) get a tummy tuck, they get the results of a month of exercise and diet, overnight! They skip the step of creating a healthy exercise and diet routine, and many times this has negative consequences on their bodies after surgery. You must commit to a healthy lifestyle after surgery to get the most benefit from your surgery.

First, patients must adhere to the guidelines given to them by their surgeon to ensure that their body has time to heal properly. Even when patients follow all of their doctor’s instructions, complications such as infections can occur. One drawback to tummy tuck surgery is that there is essentially no way to predict how your body will react to the surgery. Surgery may cause extensive scarring, depending on how your body reacts and how you care for yourself after surgery. Additionally, patients who have undergone or are considering undergoing a tummy tuck should remember that exercise and a healthy lifestyle are crucial to maintaining the sculpted and toned appearance achieved with a tummy tuck.

What are some disadvantages of abdominoplasty? Additional Information

Another disadvantage of the tummy tuck procedure is that most insurance companies do not cover the cost of the procedure because it is optional. Patients will need to seriously think about how invested they are in tummy tuck surgery, because it not only comes with physical risks, but is a huge financial investment.

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