The macro and micro worlds of Thea Alexander

Thea Alexander wrote a book called 2150 AD, originally published in 1976. She describes a fascinating world that includes two parts consisting of Macro World and Micro World.

In the Macro world there was harmony, cooperation, and everyone respected each other and tried their best to be good and kind to each other. In contrast, the microworld was smaller and isolated from the macroworld. It was ruled by oppression, mind control tactics and keeping the public in ignorance of current events.

Nothing in our modern world quite resembles the macro world, but it is easy to see how the Chinese Communist Party and other repressive regimes are accurate reflections of the rulers of the micro world.

In China, the news is censored and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. To make sure everything and everyone stays in line, there is an extensive system of ‘forced re-education through labour’ camps. One might wonder how one is ‘re-educated’ through forced labour.

Such a phrase would seem the height of oxymoronic prose.

Perhaps a more appropriate term would be “mind control through forced labor.” It is interesting to note that a person can be sent to a forced labor camp for up to three years without a conviction or court order in China. Not that it matters much, the judiciary in China is dictated by the Chinese Communist Party. In such a system, justice is in short supply.

Much like the Micro world in Thea Alexander’s book, if you were to ask the average Chinese person if they live in a repressive society, they would most likely say “no.” Some might say this because they fully believe in the CCP propaganda that is broadcast everywhere. Most could say it out of utter fear. To say anything against the Chinese Communist Party is to risk arrest, torture, forced labor, and possibly death.

That’s similar to how Micro’s world leaders maintained absolute control in Thea’s book. This is how the Chinese Communist Party does it in the real world, today. There are many groups and individuals persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. A recent web search for “persecution in China” returned 2,150,000 results.

The Clearwisdom website does a good job of documenting the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses against Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners are peaceful and nonviolent. They just want to meditate and believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. However, the irrational need to control what people think in the confines of their own minds seems to have always been a priority for the Chinese Communist Party.

The Macro world was a world of beauty, harmony, peace and cooperation. The Micro world was a world of control and oppression with inhabitants who didn’t realize it, tried to forget it or didn’t dare to tell the truth for fear of their lives and worse. What kind of world would you rather live in and support?

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