The Leader Wolf Model of Leadership

Effective leaders are driven by a model. A model is a tool that is used to predict the future results of current decisions. Effective leaders build their models from the sum of their experiences, knowledge, and facts, as well as their mistakes. This truth is critical to learning how to be a winner rather than a survivor.

o Servant leadership fosters collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and the ethical use of power and empowerment.

o Recognition and praise increase self-esteem. Positive feedback and extensive communication allow employees gratification and a new confidence in the organization. Command and control works for the military, but leadership in the business environment must be based on dignity and respect. Remember, employees are your most valuable asset. Respect them, train them, train them and guide them, trust them and they will create a competitive advantage for your company.

o Today’s businesses are increasingly characterized by a large and incredibly complex set of independent relationships between widely diverse groups of people. To be successful, you must determine how to achieve the active participation, innovation and creativity of your employees. Success depends on more than just “best practice” drivers for success. Success requires a higher level of leadership, a level that requires deep commitment. This commitment will not thrive in work environments that are still dominated by the “slap and dot” or “carrot and stick” management method that was used frequently in the past.

o People cannot “live to work”, they must “work to live”. It’s about keeping family life and personal values ​​in perspective.

o People are the most important ingredient for any organization and the behavior of the organization. People and how they are treated will reflect organizational characteristics, the way they act and interact with their own people.

o Leadership —- Make no mistake: leadership is about Trust, Respect and Integrity.

Employees won’t start respecting you as a leader until you start respecting them.

Employees won’t trust you as a leader until you start to trust them.

Earning the trust and respect of your employees is built on a platform of integrity.

o Ethics is the breeding ground for trust. Do the right thing, always and commit to conduct yourself with the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

o An effective leader is only as good as the people around him.

or “It’s not about power and politics, it’s about principles and processes.”

o Employees want to be proud of their leaders. They are eager to give their confidence, but they demonstrate the kind of leadership character that that confidence deserves, it cannot be overstated.

o Character is based on a true concern for the people within the organization. It is based on fairness and consistency.

o The culture and environment of the organization will have a great impact on the expectations of the leaders. This is a critical element that unsuccessful executives don’t recognize. Organizational culture is extremely important for successful growth.

o Problems with staffing and retention may not be due to poor hires or a low unemployment rate. In fact, they may be related to poor leadership vision by not recognizing employees as a core competency in business strategy. Although employees may not fit the stricter definition of a core competency, it is a fact that employees are responsible for creating many of the core competencies. It is an indisputable fact that failing to recognize the importance of employee contributions will lead to failure, regardless of your business strategy.

o The leader has to be an agent of change. Most people in most organizations prefer not to change. It’s scary. One of the roles of leadership is to bring about change, create change, force change, instigate change. Any verb you want to use.

o Creating change, managing during turbulent times, or fostering growth after a restructuring, it all depends on the balance of leadership. No one can make a business successful. Many people are needed, but a person with a leadership command can transfer enough influence, creating enough leadership among the management group to ensure success.

o Change really happens more easily when everyone sees the need to do so.

o Communication is key to creating an environment that encourages employee retention. Respect, faith in employees, empowerment and participation are key factors in retaining employees. Effective leadership and respect must be demonstrated at all levels of the organization.

o Leadership without communication is like a weapon without a bullet. It looks impressive but it can’t do anything.

o Along with people, communication is the most critical element for success, whether the company is in a growth mode or faces challenges to maintain its market share. Lack of communication is like a virus that can lead to total failure.

o Communication is essential to develop trust. Trust is necessary for people to go deep and give their all in the most difficult circumstances. Confidence will allow people to give their discretionary energy to achieve goals.

o The only way to develop trust is through communication: talk to people with respect to earn their respect. Respect is a key ingredient in building trust. The reason people follow any leader, especially in the business world, is because of trust. Trust is earned when people think that the company cares about their well-being and recognizes the role they play in creating profits. People have to think that the company not only cares about their problems, but will do everything possible to solve them.

o Leadership and communication are intertwined. Together, they help create solidarity. Solidarity implies a unity within a group that allows it to manifest its strength and exert its influence.

o Poor communication, rumors, and confusing messages cause conflict and mistrust.

Effective leaders go through a never-ending developmental process that includes education, self-study, training, experience, and coaching and mentoring from one or more people who have a very positive influence on their personal development. Leadership is the ability to influence, inspire, and motivate others to achieve specific goals. It includes creating a culture that helps direct the organization in a way that makes it cohesive and coherent, keeping short-term tactical goals and objectives aligned with long-term strategic initiatives. Leadership success in this process is directly influenced by the beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and abilities of individual leaders.

Position and title can give you power, but power itself does not make you an effective leader. To become an effective leader, there are specific skill sets that you must understand and master. This is not natural. It takes dedication, passion and commitment to the process. That commitment, dedication and passion includes a tireless effort to improve on specific skills and the development of a personal leadership methodology. This is often referred to as your personal leadership model.

This is the “El Lobo Líder” leadership model.

Become a “Wolf Leader”.

Please email [email protected] for a copy of the “Leader Wolf Leadership Creed.”

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