SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of a marriage of three decades

When we got married a couple of decades ago, I was an asset to my spouse, and my spouse was an asset in my life. Marriage is also a product, with a limited shelf life. In the good old days, marriage was a long-term investment: “Till death do us part.” Today, marriage is a short-term investment. Soon, it will be a trader’s investment. Now we are neither an asset nor a liability to each other. We simply live a colorless, neutral life, without emotions or enthusiasm.

because the problem

Spouses these days are: overly ambitious, with giant egos, who prefer to isolate themselves from in-laws and believe that ‘family’ means only the new family: my spouse and me. Spouses believe that old relationships, in-laws, and past lives are irrelevant after marriage.

Can we afford to be ungrateful to parents?

Can we forget the wonderful time we shared and their sacrifices?

They gave us their time and took care of us, when we were vulnerable.

Are they now in second childhood, in old age?

Will we abandon them in nursing homes?

We have to do the right action:

(1) There are no broken homes, children need us.

(2) There are no nursing homes, we owe gratitude to our parents.

We see broken families around, spouses had an ego clash and couldn’t reconcile. They couldn’t ask for forgiveness and wanted the spouse to repent first. Now they repent of obstinacy, they show themselves.

a new universe

Each couple is the source of a new universe of humanity, similar to Adam and Eve. Unlike animals, human couples have a longer relationship. Marriage is a benchmark of human civilization. The longer our marriage survives with dignity, the higher we have set the benchmark. No other species shares such strong, lifelong bonds.

To do?

Married life may seem to some of us to be a perpetually negative and incurable experience. The alternatives are far from satisfying:

(1) A broken home, and

(2) Let’s continue: let’s keep the status quo for the sake of children.

There is no way out: spouses must resolve differences with a flexible attitude.

SWOT analysis of the typical married life of a middle-aged couple


They are a retired couple, self-employed, well settled and in good health; who are self-sufficient, financially, socially, and emotionally. They are a blessed family with well-employed, adult, married children and grandchildren. The spouses were always loyal and faithful to each other. They may still not have harmony in life. Being a devoted husband/wife or a parent is an essential condition, but it is not a sufficient condition for harmony between spouses. They may be living together without love and respect.

Continuing to live together without love and mutual respect is hell.

Living with a spouse who loves and respects you is heaven.


Familiarity breeds contempt. Imperfect – only God is perfect – spouses observe imperfections in each other:

(1) Inability to forget the wounds of decades, mutually caused by spouses with indiscreet comments,

(2) Inability to behave diplomatically with each other’s parents and siblings,

(3 Inability to share life in middle age, as there is very little to share in life, when the main duty of preparing children is successfully completed.

(4) There is a cold and mechanical communication between the middle-aged spouses, mainly in administrative matters only. Love is missing in life due to ego clashes and past hurts. Even if they still love each other, they feel shy to exhibit romance or express love with romantic words from the honeymoon period in old age.


(1) Now is the time to live for each other. No worries, no career goals to achieve for yourself or your children, and no interference from other people’s in-laws.

(2) Just learn to respect others’ points of view and show warmth towards your spouse’s parents and siblings. These are some desirable qualities that we must instill.

(3) Spouses may still have common problems: (a) love or cold behavior of daughter-in-law/son-in-law, (b) sharing warm childhood memories of spouse with siblings and parents, and (c) affection of grandchildren


(1) When spouses value individual ambitions in life more than family goals, it affects the harmony between spouses,

(2) If a spouse believes, “I’m always right.” then it has a negative impact on married life.

(3) The rigidity of opinions and never asking for forgiveness, as a principle, has a negative impact.

(4) Sarcastic indiscreet comments negatively affect marital life: “You shouldn’t have gotten married; you are not marriage material. You cling to your parental values ​​and ideals like a child”,

(5) Indulging in other hobbies such as: loving pets or home gardens, as a substitute for friendly relations with the spouse, is a bad strategy, which is not conducive to harmony between the spouses, and

(6) Spouses often resort to showing financial muscle in the relationship.

It has a negative impact: either a greedy spouse gives in or a self-respecting spouse promises to live within their means. There are spouses who are greedy and love to take advantage of the advantageous financial position of the spouse. If the spouse’s family is richer, it can lead to expensive gifts, which can negatively affect the harmony between the spouses.

What are the options!

Despite all the boredom and fights, marriage, as an institution, is a valuable experience that we should enjoy. Single people have their own problems. Their lives are far from perfect or in harmony. The solution lies in resolving the differences between the spouses.

Shape of things to come!

We are in a transitional phase of human history. On the one hand, gender equality has made humanity stronger. On the other hand, intolerant and ambitious spouses have diluted the sanctity of marriage. It’s a temporary setback. Sooner than later, we will realize our madness. Ambitious spouses will curb their ego clashes. There will be fewer divorces in society. Young girls will not be hungry for money, to pursue successful, wealthy and eligible singles. Young boys will not value rich spinsters as friends, for monetary considerations. Love and marriage will not be like a business.

Love will involve:

(1) A pure love, between spouses, who are not interested in financial status,

(2) There is respect for the unique identity of the individual, and

(3) There is freedom to dwell on past memories and interaction with siblings and parents. An optimal shared life before marriage and after marriage will add to the richness of life and not be a burden.

Life will always be a mixture of happiness adorned with pain. There will always be a painful conscience, a feeling of failure in the marriage as a spouse; since no marriage is perfect. We are not alone. All over the world, spouses feel harassed, cheated or dissatisfied. We feel, others are lucky, with a better spouse. Tolstoy also had his wife, not very accommodating. He was fed up with her, he felt that human beings are incorrigible. His solution to the problems of humanity was: complete celibacy. “The human species is not fit enough to survive. It needs to go extinct.”


It is not like this?

We are all imperfect, we feel hurt and we want to quit, but we continue to selflessly fulfill our duty as parents. We play our part and vanish into thin air. Buddhists call it “void theory”. Why are we in this world? Nobody knows. We don’t need to know. It goes on, like water in a river, It moves, where? Nobody knows. Leave the spectators behind. It moves forever. Where? Nobody knows.

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