Rocket conversion rates with multivariate tests

Multivariate testing can speed up landing page conversion by 300% in a single test by allowing you to test multiple page elements at the same time.

If someone claims that they can improve landing page conversion by this amount using other means, they are either very good at guessing or lying.

The only method of complete testing is by applying statistical techniques to the testing process. By testing, I mean changing different elements that make up a web page and website and testing to see if the conversion rate has increased or decreased.

This may sound pretty straightforward, but anyone who has done even simple A/B split testing will know how slow the process can be.

With a simple split test, you might have to wait many weeks before you can collect enough data on visitor actions, and then use your own judgment or rule of thumb to determine which version of the landing page turned out to be better.

If you stop a simple split test when you think you have enough results and what you think is enough of a difference to show that one page is better than the other, any mathematician will tell you that the results may not be statistically significant.

This means that you may not have collected enough data, and the differences in the resulting actions taken by visitors on each version of the landing page may not be sufficient to satisfy well-established statistical sampling techniques.

Statistical sampling techniques have been around for a long time and are routinely applied in the design, development, manufacturing, and quality testing of virtually all modern products and processes.

Many of today’s quality techniques and methodologies were developed for manufacturing by the Japanese, who introduced concepts such as Kaizen, which means “change for the better” or “continual improvement.”

In order to test these quality improvements, Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese engineer and statistician, developed a methodology and mathematics to test the statistical validity of a result that improved the quality of manufacturing processes.

These same Taguchi methods have been applied in different ways to multivariate testing of web landing pages. The result is continual improvement of the landing page being tested until the highest possible quality conversion is achieved.

Unlike simple A/B split tests, multivariate tests allow you to test different page layouts, headlines, incentives, pricing, images and colors, navigation, and anything else you can think of, and still discover the biggest success factors. improvement. within a single test.

You are not limited to trying only 2 different titles, 2 different subtitles, 2 different incentives or prices. It is possible to test many headlines, multiple prices, or dozens of different incentives, all during the same test.

Multivariate testing solves the first major drawback with simple A/B split tests: the time it takes to test so many items and factors. Not only that, but typically 50% of all A/B split tests show no improvement, 30% show minor gains, and only about 20% produce significant improvement.

That means that with a typical A/B split test lasting a month, if you did 1 test every month and 12 tests in a year, you can only expect 2-3 tests on average to produce significant improvements.

With multivariate testing, this is a thing of the past..

But in practice, you would rarely test more than a dozen changes at a time, since even with multivariate testing it takes longer the more versions or items you test.

Multivariate testing also speeds up landing page improvement by making decisions about which factors to stop testing.

Stop wasting valuable traffic

Therefore, valuable traffic is not wasted on testing page elements that have been shown to contribute little or nothing and concentrating on factors that show statistically significant gains. This further reduces the time required to make a decision on the factors for greatest improvement.

This combination of testing factors brought about by using Taguchi’s testing methods results in HUGE incremental improvements in landing page conversion rate and therefore sales without the need for high volumes of traffic.

Multivariate testing can not only test multiple factors at the same time, with the same volume of traffic required for a standard split test, but it can also give you better conversion rates than people using simple A/B split tests. they can only dream.

Andy Theekson

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