Red Phantom Tetra Care and Spawning Tips

The red phantom tetra or Megalamphodus sweglesi is from the Characidae family more commonly known as characins. They are endemic to South America. There is also a commercially available ghost black tetra native to South America.

Red ghosts are docile creatures well suited for community tanks. They only grow to about 1.5 inches when they are adults, so you will want to house them with other fish of smaller varieties. These top to mid-tank dwellers feel right at home in a well-planted aquarium.

If you are considering purchasing one of the other tetra species, you should be aware that all tetras are school fish. Schools of fish are extremely social creatures. They are genetically programmed to function in a group made up of other members of their own species. They do not adapt well to a life of isolation. It is advisable to purchase a minimum of four. Six to eight is considered ideal. Between their red body color and nearly transparent bodies, a bunch of them look absolutely amazing in any aquarium.

You should also realize that even though they are peaceful fish, they have a tendency to be tenacious. This behavior becomes more prominent in larger groups. I don’t recommend mixing them with species that have long, flowing fins like angelfish, bettas, and graceful guppies.

The water of the Amazon River is slightly acidic. Phantom Tetras are used to a pH level of 6.8 with a water temperature range between 72-77 ° F. Under optimal environmental conditions, you can expect your tetras to live up to 5 years.

Red ghosts are omnivores. They can live on a diet composed entirely of common variety tropical fish scales. However, a diet of protein supplements will help them maintain their vibrant colors. They are not picky about food. Brine, tubifex, bloodworm, lyophilized, or frozen supplements will work just fine.

Males have slimmer bodies than females. But the best way to distinguish the sexes are their dorsal fins. The dorsal fin of the male is longer and more pointed than that of the females. The fins of the males are generally solid red. The fins of females usually have a dark spot with a white tip.

Red ghost tetras breeding

Red ghosts, like most tetras, are consummate captive breeders. They have been given to the calf in community tanks without encouragement from their keepers. In the wild, it is not uncommon for a tetra population to double in just over a year.

A rearing tank should be prepared with mild, slightly acidic water. You’ll also want low lighting and lots of foliage. Low lighting is a key element. Not only will it help induce your tetras to reproduce, but it will also ensure healthy eggs. Tetra eggs are vulnerable to fungal growth. The fungus flourishes in well-lit water.

All tetras are egg layers and eat their own eggs. Their eggs naturally sink. A layer of marbles on the substrate will provide adequate shelter for the eggs. Adults should be removed from the breeding tank after spawning. The fry hatch in approximately 24 hours. They will not need to be fed until they are swimming freely. The fry can be fed brine from newly hatched shrimp or liquid fry food formulated for egg-laying fish.

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