Opt for Depo Provera Detox and you will love it

Many tragic incidents have been cited about women receiving a progesterone injection known as Depo Provera detox for birth control. This synthetic progesterone became commercially available in the early 1990s. One injection was effective for three months. He acted in two different ways; First, it suppressed ovulation, that is, the release of the egg from the recipient woman’s ovary. Second, it worked by increasing the stickiness of the mucus present in the cervix to block the passage of sperm through the cervix, into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

It soon fell out of favor as the unwanted effects became more and more noticeable. Some of the unwanted effects are abnormal weight gain, acne breakout and some other skin lesions and scalp hair loss leading to psychiatric problems including unwanted mood swings like irritability, paranoid symptoms and depression which culminates in a depressive illness.

Some women did well to stop using this method of birth control when they noticed the unwanted effects. But the progesterone that had already entered the body would stay there. Also some effects were such that they could not be reversed even after the injections were stopped.

Scope for Depo Provera Detox:

Depo Provera Detox is a detoxification program specially designed for the unfortunate victims who have received this synthetic hormone and want to get rid of the continuing harmful effects.

What is a Depo Provera detox?

The Depo Provera Detox plan consists of the following

a) Abundant intake of water. This is an important component of all detox diet programs, especially Depo Provera Detox.

b) Consume fresh vegetables and fruits and their juices

c) Take infusions that cleanse the body

d) A session of sauna and physical exercise outdoors

All these things will help renew the vigor and energy of the body and one will be able to live a better natural life.

When to start Depo Provera Detox:

Depo Provera Detox should be done after giving the body some time for its own natural healing. Depo Provera Detox should be considered as an air to the natural mechanisms of revitalization of the body. Depo Provera Detox can also be helped by acupuncture and acupressure to stimulate the body’s adrenal glands. It should be remembered that those women who have received the hormone for longer periods need to follow detox diets such as Depo Provera Detox for longer.

avoid in the future

Playing with the natural mechanism of the body always results in disaster in both sexes. One should avoid inflicting the body with the synthetic things available in the market and always go with nature. In most cases, it is sure that the victims get sidetracked from nature by using Depo Provera.

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