Online Yoga School Coupons – The Secret to a Successful Practice

Online Yoga School Coupons

One of the things I love about online yoga schools is the ability to offer discounted classes with the ability to have them available for a long time. That’s why I was really excited to see this in an email last week: “If you would like to reserve a Yoga mat or a chair, a discount voucher can be sent to you via our website login.” I was excited to see this because I know how difficult it can be to find the right size mat and chair when you’re on a budget. But I also realized that many people will not be able to reserve anything for these two items when they need them. I decided to put that information to work for me and create a coupon giveaway.

Original Online Yoga Teacher Training Program

The online yoga school coupon I created would give students who were attending a particular class the opportunity to save. Each time a new person was a member, they would be sent an email with information on upcoming scheduled classes. They would have the option to RSVP by logging in using their existing username and password. If they did not want to join the class that evening, they did not have to worry about it the next day. If they did, they would be automatically added to the list for the next scheduled class.

I created a coupon by printing it off from my office computer, went to print, and used it online. Within five minutes, it was back on my computer screen. People who signed up for the online yoga teacher training course could save five dollars when they used the coupon code. Everyone got to take advantage of the savings. It only cost me five minutes of my time and I was able to generate an online marketing campaign that generated five hundred new subscribers for my yoga business.

Online Yoga School Coupons – The Secret to a Successful Practice

The coupon was working like a charm! So I printed another one for the next day and another for the day after that. By the end of the day, I had two copies of the coupon in my office and two in my car. I had a stack of emails waiting to be read. People started to ask when I was going to give away the second batch of free coupons so I knew I had enough for the next week’s rotation of five hundred people used my login FAQ page to answer any other questions they might have.

Six weeks later, I still had two more classes to teach. People were signing up for my yoga -class twice a day. Some were leaving comments for an email they had sent asking when I was going to give away another twenty-five dollars off their total monthly dues. Others wrote in with their email address. I printed off a stack of emails and posted them on my login faq page.

The coupons worked! My conversion rates stayed high, my classes filled up, and I did not run out of students. The secret? Using simple online coupon codes at the login page.

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