my health is my business

Physical exercise in one form or another on a regular basis is recommended for all of us to stay healthy. However, physical exercise should not overtake spiritual exercise. If the most important benefactor of either exercise is the heart, then the spiritual should trump the physical. Regular physical exercise results in a healthy body, a good heartbeat, and the tendency to feel energized and positive. However, this does not necessarily cleanse the body of evil.

In the bible it is explained to us that our bodies are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in them. The wisdom of the world teaches us many things that allow us to physically cope with the various situations of life. The challenge arises when we cannot understand those aspects of life that are unpredictable. Examples of these could include a broken heart from loss of love; the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job and the regular comforts provided to us. Sometimes even the loss of our dignity through hardship or violence leaves us paralyzed throughout our existence. Embarking solely on physical progress to maintain our health makes it impossible to cope with the unpredictable.

Spiritual exercise must always be maintained in one form or another. There are simple ways to do this. Some of them include regular sentences. To adopt a regular prayer routine is to keep yourself constantly in the presence of God and of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By doing so, we are better positioned to meet the challenges that life throws at us.

Another form of spiritual exercise is kindness. Offering ourselves to others allows us to be less focused on ourselves and more on other people. By carrying out this selfless act, we in turn receive blessings from our Lord and a stronger heart and spirit. Sharing worship with other Christians is another important aspect of spiritual exercise. This is based on morality and lets us know that we are not alone facing life. This does not necessarily have to be in the church, it can be in any work of life. As long as we participate in this, we are bound to reap healthy rewards.

It is not enough to do the above without reading the word of God. Reading and turning to the pages of Scripture regularly is the crown we put on our heads in spiritual exercise. No one can really teach us about God but God. To seek him we must always start from his Word. If spiritual and physical exercise is practiced on this basis, we live a balanced life.

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