Lose weight according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the plump body is a “sick” energy, which materializes in the form of being overweight. The tremendous appetite that attacks us at home may be related to poor organization of the apartment space. If you tune your life space into strengthening your health, then it will help you get in shape.

Step 1.

Empty your settlement in the form of… grease

The Chinese talk about the language of symbols. There are no casual words in Feng Shui. In a phrase “excess weight”, the main reason for excess kilograms is scrambled – this is the word “excess”. Name the reason and at the same time suggest ways to fix this problem. The ancient Chinese knew that our retinue – is a continuation of us. Garbage in your house means garbage in your body.

The first and main step to lose weight according to Feng Shui lies in the elimination of things that you have not been using for 6-12 months. The more leftover things you have in your house, the greater the excess weight of family members, and the more often they get sick.

The excess of things is not only clothes and shoes (5-6 hangers in a closet for current clothes and shelves for underwear will be enough for every woman, and the rest of the things, hanging in her closet, represent fat), and also old toys, tubes of cream and perfume bottles, children’s clothing, informal books, old medicines, broken dishes, etc. Is it very difficult to part with her favorite dress, in which she “slims”? Start small: throw away one excess thing a day, and lose weight!

Step 2.

Hide your kitchen doors

The “hungry” forms of energy are inscrutable. Our energy flows in the direction of our gaze, our desires are born according to the things we see. The room, located in front of the entrance door, receives the greatest flow of energy. If this is cuisine, then naturally your desires will strive to go there. Those whose kitchens are located to the right or left of the hallways will feel a bit more comfortable. But it’s still hard to get through. So, you need to do 4 things.

The kitchen is the center of family life and very often also a place for guests. You need to think about the way to direct the steps of your guests to a living room. It can be some decorative element (a rug) or a bright lantern (a bird, a bell) on the door of a living room, combining hallway and living room.

Kitchen doors should be made of some opaque material or you can cover them with hanging curtains.
When you enter the kitchen, your eyes should not be fixed on a shopping basket or on the fridge, so as not to whet your appetite. If you can’t rearrange your refrigerator, you can also cover it with some decorations. Or you can distract your gaze from food sources by putting something in the foreground that is available for communication, for example, a stack of magazines, a telephone, flowers. Any black knick-knack (black is a color of water), placed in the north of your kitchen, will shift your attention from the carnal to the spiritual.

If a hostess is standing in front of a gas stove with her back to the entrance, then she needs to hang a mirror near the gas stove, so that she can see everyone who enters the kitchen.

Step 3.

Reconcile gas stove with sink

All kinds of energies are concentrated in a small kitchen area and conflict with each other. The most “outrageous” neighbors are elements of Water and Fire (Fire energy is usually represented by a gas stove, a toaster, a coffee maker. Water energy guides are a refrigerator and a sink). The conflict of these elements influences your figure, to be more exact: it causes indigestion and at the same time ambitious plans for the head of the family. It is clear who is the head of the family. And ambitious plans include mid-size boy’s jeans, which you just have to wear for the summer.

A typical mistake in modern apartments is that the gas stove and the sink are located close to each other. This is quite inexpensive: boil the spaghetti and pour in the water at the same time. Skilled craftsmen even match the surfaces of the gas stove, table and sink. But the Chinese are against it! However, a method that can solve this problem does not require new planning: 2 hostile elements can be reconciled with each other with the help of the third element – wood. Fence the sink with some element, providing “wood” energy. It can be a wooden carving board, placed on its side in a space between the sink and the table; a decorative tray, painted with a vegetal ornament, or a live flower (if there will be a place for it there). Any green-colored object also brings a friendly wood energy.

Step 4.


In China they say, “Did you eat today?” Instead of greeting, this shows your serious attitude towards the process of eating. Feng Shui followers also eat according to Feng Shui, that’s why they don’t get fat. This means that they…

– do not eat in the same place where they cook (if you do not have the possibility to divide the kitchen into 2 zones – for cooking and eating – with a screen, then it is better to eat in another room, except in the bedroom).

– prefer ceramic tableware

– Round, octagonal or oval table. These are optimal ways for better assimilation of food, harmony in the body and family. A table should not be made of transparent glass, it diffuses and lets all the good energy pass through.

– eat in the following order: cold snacks (herbs, fish, poultry, vegetables), first course (pasta dishes and rice noodle soup), dessert (fruits, cakes, pastries) and alcohol throughout the meal. Do not be afraid! The Chinese do not support restrictive diets: they eat everything, but in very small portions.

– Increase the number of servings with the help of… mirrors! The food, reflected in the mirrors, doubles in sight, and thus a man eats a “double” portion, and, in fact, does not overeat. In addition, a “full” mirror gratefully redoubles all the riches of a house. Mirrors can be hung in a room the way they would reflect the entire table, or a small mirror can be placed near the dishes.

You won’t get fat! Receipts according to Feng Shui
against adiposity
Green peas (not canned) – 100 g, laminaria – 100 g. Water – 200ml. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Eat the ready portion once a day. The course is 14 days.

If you suffer from dysfunction of the thyroid gland and blood circulation

1. Laminaria – 200 g. Water – 200ml. Boil for 5 minutes, eat twice a day (cook a fresh portion each time). The course is 7 days.

2. Green beans – 60 g, laminaria – 30 g, cinnamon – 6 g, raw sugar – 60 g, water – 200 ml. Boil over low heat for 7 minutes. Eat one ready portion at a time, once a day. The course is 14 days.

For better stimulation of the work of the stomach.

1. Unpeeled potato – 250 g, honey – 10 g. Boil the potato, cook the mash. Eat this mass in the morning on an empty stomach with honey. The course is 14 days.

2. Cabbage – 500 g, rice – 50 g, water – 200 ml. Boil rice until ready, add cabbage and stew for 5 minutes. Eat half a serving twice a day. The course is 14 days.

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