liquid diets to lose weight

Although liquid detox or cleanse diets come under the name of “fad” and are therefore not recommended, genuine liquid diets do exist. They are recommended if you have more than 25 pounds to lose and conventional weight loss methods have been ineffective. It is generally suggested that you carry out this type of diet plan under the supervision of a professional doctor. Generally, to qualify, you need a BMI of 30 (classified as obese) or a BMI of 27 with health issues. To determine if you qualify, schedule a session with a professional weight loss center. Do not attempt a liquid diet on your own or you risk harmful negative effects and nutritional deficiencies.

liquid diet scheme

Lack of solid foods is a drawback, but when you can compromise, liquid diets may lessen the need for bariatric surgical treatment, according to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Professional medical guidance is recommended as these weight loss plans are extremely low in calories and simply because people who are at an unhealthy weight often have medical problems like hypertension or diabetes problems. In addition, medically guided liquid diets incorporate extensive training on nutritional requirements to guide you on how you can eat in a healthy and balanced way, as well as to change the habitual tendencies that led you to accumulate excess fat.

The normal plan involves about 12 weeks of full meal replacement before slowly transitioning to a routine maintenance diet plan. However, the plan can be continued until you reach your final target body weight. Typical weight loss is two to seven pounds per week.

Complete fluid replacement

In the complete program, you get all of your food from supplements specifically developed for weight loss, such as meal replacement shakes, and occasionally additional foods that have a runny consistency, such as soups and desserts. Calorie intake can range from 600 to 1,000 per day depending on starting body weight and gender. The material is developed to provide enough nutrition even though it is lower in calories, carbohydrates and fat. With some plans, additional nutritional vitamins or nutrients are not required. However, in some plans, you will take a health dietary supplement every day.

Full limited fluid replacement

In a limited program, you swap out all your foods for supplements specifically developed for weight loss. Many of your meals come from liquids like shakes and soups. However, you will have a choice of a couple of solid foods like bars, cereal, and oatmeal. Like the fluids you will consume, food is obtained from the weight loss center. Therefore, they are lower in calories and carbohydrates. Many people require the sensation of eating. Having a couple of solid food options will help.

Personalized Liquid Program

Custom programs are a good idea for those who feel they won’t really be able to stick to the full liquid program. On a custom liquid diet plan, you switch many of your meals and snacks to liquid supplements with just one regular main meal that you cook. The weight loss center dietitian gives you tips to follow when selecting your own prepared food. Generally, this normal meal has to be low in carbohydrates and fat and include a certain number of calories.

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