It broke my heart but I still love him! Proven ways to get back together with him

“He broke my heart, but I still love him.” That is often said with some embarrassment and confusion. Everyone around you is likely to tell you that loving a man who hurts you so much is foolish. They think you should forget about him and move on, right? You don’t know how to do that. It is not surprising. Love is not something you can just turn off like a faucet. He’s your guy and everyone makes mistakes. You know deep down in your heart that he didn’t mean to hurt you as much as he did. Recovering it and overcoming the problems that destroyed them is possible. You just have to know how to get from here to there.

You have to start the healing process by forgiving him. Yes, he did something that caused you immeasurable emotional pain. However, by realizing that you still love him, you have taken the first step towards getting back together. You have to look at his actions since the breakup. Has he apologized? Has he approached you trying to be your friend? Any gesture like this is a clear sign that he regrets what he did and wants to move on. Unless you can find within yourself forgiveness for him, any second chance the two of you may have won’t work.

Once you have addressed the problems you faced in your relationship, make a promise to move on without looking back. You will be tempted to bring up the things he did that hurt you. It is a powerful ammunition during any future conflict. Don’t wander this way, ever. You don’t want to keep dripping the past. Leave it where it belongs. You need to have a fresh perspective if you expect the relationship to survive.

Rebuilding the broken relationship has to include laying a newer and stronger foundation. It is possible that he feels as if he wants to jump back into her arms and put himself in the position of his girlfriend right now. Be careful doing that. You two have to reconnect on an emotional level before you can share more. You don’t want to rush into trying to pick up where you left off. If you do that, chances are you’ll find yourself in the middle of a bitter breakup weeks from now. Approaching again cannot be forced. Take it easy.

Start by spending a little more time together. That can include talking on the phone or going out in person. Don’t tell him you want to be his again too soon. Let him realize how much he needs you on his own. Just be there as a strong, dependent and understanding person in your life. It won’t take long for you to realize just how much you two have in common and how deeply connected you really are.

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