Interesting facts and tidbits about the game of billiards

The game of billiards has been around for centuries, with sources even attempting to trace its origins back to royalty in England. Today, there are millions of billiards lovers, whether they enjoy playing the game or just like to watch all the action. In fact, the Billiards Congress of America (BCA) states that there are now over 51 million billiards players in the country. If you need a little more information about this fun sport, keep reading!

The BCA says that billiards was the first sport to hold a world championship, and this was in 1873. Another interesting fact: In 1903, coin-operated pool tables were introduced and it only cost a penny to play a game.

Who was the oldest pool table manufacturer in the US? This privilege belongs to the Brunswick Corporation, which began manufacturing pool tables around 1845 in San Francisco. Originally, company founder John Moses Brunswick wanted his business to venture into carriage manufacturing, but instead he developed a love for the game. Brunswick later became an established billiards and bowling brand.

The largest pool hall ever built in the US was in Detroit, Michigan during the 1920s. The building was called “The Recreation” and had over 100 pool tables, plus bowling alleys, a spa , hairdresser, theater and more. At about this time, the New York Times reported that more than four million people in the US were playing pool.

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) in 2008, there are more male pool players in the US than female pool players. A survey conducted shows that about 63% of all pool players in the country are men. Some of the regions of the United States with the highest percentage of billiards participants are in the Pacific, North-Central East (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio), and South Atlantic (Georgia, Florida, North Carolina). The SGMA also reports that most billiards players also enjoy hobbies like bowling and darts.

The most expensive pool table was made by Vincent Facquet and, as reported in late 2008, costs around $177,000 or EUR 130,000. Some of the luxury accessories for these tables are gold and platinum engravings, such as on the view markers, as well as intricate engravings on the sides. The billiard triangle is built into the table and all you have to do is push it to pop out. You can also order tables to measure, and even ask for precious stones.

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