How much should I spend on a massage table?

A massage table is no small purchase. Prices for massage tables range from $100 to $6000.

So a valid question to ask is how much should I spend on my massage table?

First of all, consider what exactly you would use your massage table for.

Is it just for you so you and your partner can massage each other?

Or are you semi-professional and want to massage a couple of times a week?

Or are you even a professional massage therapist for whom the massage table would be a main piece of work equipment?

Of course, it also depends on your budget. If you have a million dollar house and you spend $500 on a massage table, even if it’s just for you and your partner, it’s not a big deal.

And if you’re just out of massage school and want to start out as a self-employed massage therapist, money may be tight.

I’d say you should look in the $200 range if it’s just you and your partner.

If you’re semi-professional and plan on massaging a few times a week, be prepared to spend $200-$350 on your massage table.

And if you’re a professional masseuse, you should spend at least $300 on a massage table.

Again, these are just general guidelines, use them as pointers, but also be careful what is available on the market. Sometimes you can get a great bargain: very good quality at a very low price.

However, when you do find a bargain, make sure it really is a quality one. Never settle for inferior quality. It will just end up costing you more in the end.

If you buy a really good table and then find out that you don’t really use it much, you can still sell it and make good money. Of course, it has to be in good condition, that means you have to take good care of it.

But if you buy a cheap, low-quality massage table, and you’re not happy with it, that money basically goes out the window, because no one will buy it for you, and you really shouldn’t be selling it to anyone. if it’s shit.

So, again, and look at your budget, think about the fact that if you want to practice massage professionally, this is an investment and not an expense of money. Because with each massage you will recover a part of this investment and it is much more likely that your clients will come back to you if they see that you have a really good and high quality professional team.

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