Guidelines to avoid rejection of a mobile app in an app store

A great ‘aha’ moment in the life of an application developer is when the software is ready to be released. It is the pinnacle of a long and highly anticipated event; but there are certain points that need to be kept in mind to keep the euphoria of the moment, as no developer would want their app to get rejected or an uninspiring response to their newly released software app. The next question is what are the factors that can prevent app rejection in an app store? Or what could prevent a mushy response to a newly released app on an app store? The goal of this article is to focus on basic application rejection errors.

Error free

The app should be thoroughly reviewed on various devices to detect and fix any bugs. It must be complete in nature and free from accidents. Reviewing the application before submitting it would prevent rejection.

Name, Title and Precise Description

Reserving a main name for the application would ensure the specificity of the mobile application, since it cannot be used by any other application. This would also make the process easier at launch, as the developer wouldn’t have to worry about finding an appropriate app name at app launch time. A pointer here is to check the App Store’s policy on name reservation. Care must be taken to avoid violation of any policy related to the store’s trade name. Getting an attractive title would ensure that the app is eye-catching on social media sites. In addition, it should be the primary concern of the developer to provide accurate and truthful information about the application and its functionality. A correct description of the application would improve the user’s understanding and experience. Using appropriate keywords in the metadata and description of the apps would help to locate the app in the app store. Therefore, the keywords must be selected judiciously.

Deliver as categorized

The app must be listed in the correct category and provide users with the functionality as written in the app description. Therefore, appropriate primaries, secondaries, and subcategories should be chosen. Just as a travel app wouldn’t be appreciated in a reading category; the same would happen with an application, although correctly categorized, but with false promises of certain attributes and functionality (which it does not actually offer) would be discouraging for users. This would not only frustrate users and lead to rejection, but it would also destroy the company’s trust and brand.

Avoid duplication

The developer should avoid creating and submitting similar or related apps on an app store, as this could affect the review process and also the end user experience. The application will most likely be rejected! It is best to review the various apps and combine the related ones into one package to improve the end user experience.

Operative on all platforms

The developer must test the functionality of the application on various platforms and try to provide the functionality of the upper and lower platform. Also, as some stores converge, it’s a good idea to allow a user to pay for your app only once if they want to use it on one or more platforms. For example, since Windows Store and Windows Phone have a converged identity, an app available in both should be able to load only once.

Complete in quality and easy to use

The app should provide an enhanced user interface that should be clear, polished, and adhere to app store design rules and design guides. The links provided must not be broken. It is advisable to include URLs related to updated contact information, privacy issues, support website and an automatic subscription, all of which should be workable. A support email address must be set up and an End User License Agreement must be provided. The application must be complete in all respects prior to submission. Images and content must be complete before submitting to the app store for review, as incomplete apps are rejected. The developer must ensure that the application appears attractive and informative, and the content must be configured for functionality on the specific open source operating system. Quality can also be improved by providing rich content and multiple functionalities that appeal to various markets and multiple customer bases.

Pricing and Promotion Strategy

Depending on the target population, one must decide on a full purchase or an initial free subscription that later becomes a paid one. If the app store offers a platform for the free trial, it is beneficial to go for this pricing model where users can be free to convert a free trial to a paid trial later. In addition, care should be taken to provide the option to bill the app through the mobile operator route in markets where penetration of credit card purchases is low. For promotion, a lovely promo graphic can be designed. All the tools available on the app store should be explored to promote the app in the chosen category and so that the app can boast ‘maximum number of downloads’ in a day.

Qualification Certificate

Various qualification certificates related to the game and automatic notification of the good operation of the application must be taken. Time must be allotted for these certifications before the app is finally listed on the app store. The developer should thoroughly review their app through the submission tool available on an app store to verify if the app meets all the guidelines set forth by the app store to create a great mobile app with a superior end-user experience. .

Comnez’s app development team provides end-to-end app development with its XNotify mobile engagement platform. The mobile integration strategy would provide a strategy to the business owner to keep users engaged with a new app that has just been released on the App Store. Available on iOS and Android platforms, learn more about the mobile engagement strategy for your app through Comnez.

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