Fun games for children’s birthday parties

Fun games to use at your kids’ next birthday party are here. Just pick a few of these titles and twist them around a bit. Make them match the unique theme of your party. For example, Simon Says can become Mummy Says at a Halloween party or he can become The Pirate Says at a children’s pirate party. Use these fun classic party games, add a new title, and make it unique for your party. Give your party guests a really fun, hilarious and fun gaming session at that special boys or girls birthday celebration.

Mad Libs are a fun way to get party guests to open up. What Mad Libs does is create a story… a funny story. And everyone can help make this story and it should be silly… that’s what makes it so funny. You start playing Mad Libs with a basic story. You need to skip some words and put the type of word that fits there. For example, Mary leaves her bike blank… so that blank must be filled with a verb. Maria wore blank on her head. That blank space would have to be filled in by a noun. See… how the game goes? Each child or guest can fill in one of the missing words and then when all the words are complete read the story… You can find books with party Mad Libs in them or you can make up your own story using the names of the star card and party guests on it.

Chinese Whispers is another very simple game that is fun to play. Sit everyone in a circle and have someone start the game by saying the game sentence. In Chinese Whispers, a sentence or phrase is said to the first player. That player must whisper it to the next player and so on around the circle. When the sentence or sentence is said to the last player, that player must stand up and say the sentence aloud. What’s funny about that? Well, usually when the message is delivered to everyone, it has changed a lot from the original prize. Make your sentence something silly like “Wet dogs shake and shake themselves dry” or “Dogs use umbrellas only when it rains a lot.” Now you can also change the name of your game to fit your party theme. The Pirate Whispers at a pirate party and Princess Whispers at a princess themed party… and make your phrase match the theme too.

Musical party games are fun for everyone. Freeze Dance and Musical Chairs are two that always come to mind when we talk about fun musical games for kids. With any of the games, you need someone to stop and start the music. To play these games, you will need a dance floor or chairs arranged in a circle. With Freeze Dance, when the music starts, everyone starts dancing. When the music stops, everyone must freeze. If a dancer doesn’t freeze immediately, he’s out. With the Musical Chairs you must have one less chair than players you have. Every time a player is eliminated another meat is eliminated. This is how you play. Arrange the chairs in a circle, and when the music starts to play, have all the party guests walk around the circle of chairs. When the music stops, each child should sit in a chair. The one who doesn’t have a chair to sit on is out. Let the children outside start with a party craft or the following activity. Now, to make these fun party games unique, rename them. Royal Ball Freeze Dance or Pirates Freeze Dance will make these fun and simple party games a little more exciting for your guests.

Pass the Parcel is a fun and entertaining party game for a kids’ birthday party…and the adults will enjoy it too. It’s another music party game, so have the music ready. It’s one of those fun, fun, fun games that’s been passed down through the years because it’s fun. This is another game that you can rename and give a new life. To play Pass the Parcel you need a package and some music that goes with the theme of your party. For a princess party play some Disney Princess songs, for a pirate party play What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor… lol, or for a cowboy themed party play some western cowboy songs. You can also name your package according to your party theme. The princesses’ pack, the pirate’s treasure, or the cowboys’ saddlebag are all possibilities for a pack name. Okay, now how to play Pass the Parcel. It wraps up the package a lot. And with each layer of wrapper comes a prize…it could be a small prize like temporary tattoos or stickers, or a lollipop or whatever prize you decide on. Seat everyone in a circle and start the music and pass the package around. Stop the music and the guest with the package can unwrap a layer of wrap. Plus they take the prize inside. When a player manages to unwrap the package and keep the prize, they must leave the circle. Keep going until there’s only one kid left, and of course, you’re left with the prize in the middle of all those layers.

A classic and very fun party game for a children’s birthday party is Pin the tail on the donkey. This fun game for kids is very easy to upgrade to a new version. Pin the Crown on the Princess, Pin the Eye Patch on the Pirate, or X Marks the Spot are other fun ideas. Pinning the hat on the cowboy or the eye on Muno for a Yo Gabba Gabba party are just a few ways to turn this fun and hilarious party game into the perfect game for any party. You all know how to play Pin the tail on the donkey… right? Each child is given a tail with double-sided tape. You double-eye the player on top, turn around a few times, then point in the direction of the donkey. They should try to stick the tail as close as possible to where it belongs. Whoever manages to get the tail where it belongs gets a prize… of course, you can give everyone a prize for playing. Stickers or temporary tattoos are great prizes for these types of games…the kids love them and they are the cheapest party game prizes you will find.

The Piñata game is also fun. Piñatas are a traditional Mexican game. A piñata is actually a breakable container for party prizes and candy. The objective of this fun party game is to break the pinata and collect all the sweets hidden inside. These pinatas come in every theme imaginable, so all you have to do is pick one that matches your theme and fill it with goodies the kids will like. Stickers, temporary tattoos, candy, and small game prizes work perfectly as fillers. I like string piñatas. This is a game that has strings that children can pull. One of these strings tears the body of the piñata so that the candies fall out. Then everyone tries to gather all the goodies they can. You can buy a pull sting model or you can buy a pull rope conversion kit to make this kids party game very safe. To play, you hang your piñata and blindfold each child as they take turns pulling a string. You can blindfold him and, just like with Pin the Tail on the Donkey, turn each child around and point them in the direction of the hanging pinata. Tell them how many steps to take and send them out.

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