Free yourself from living in fear alone with a quick 3-step solution

Have you ever experienced fear? Do you wish you could get rid of fear and enjoy your life more? You are not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 6.3 million people suffer from some type of mental illness. Sixty percent of the population fears things that will never happen, 30 percent fears things that happened in the past and cannot be changed, 90 percent fears things that are considered insignificant, and 88 percent of the population fears things that are related to your health that will never occur. Clearly, fear is a huge part of our lives.

In the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna speaks of the many virtues of an awakened being. The first virtue that Lord Krishna lists is fearlessness. Before we can access our higher nature, we need to free ourselves from the tenacious control of fear.

understand the fear

Fear is an unpleasant and often strong emotional reaction caused by the anticipation or awareness of danger or harm. FEAR makes you forget everything and run. Fear gives birth to the ego, anger and resentment. We can think of fear as the position of:

F: forget

EN: ego


A: resentment

However, not all fears are bad. Fear is completely natural and helps people recognize and respond to dangerous situations and threats. It is important to understand that some fear is healthy. Healthy fear stimulates responses that give us protection, warning and the adrenaline rush needed to flee from a rabid dog (protective function). Usually, however, fear is an illusion. Most fear is an unhealthy projection of the subconscious mind.

Different fears for different people

Fear is different for everyone and it is different at different times in life. For example, a newly pregnant woman may be afraid of giving birth to a baby, a new mother may be afraid of raising the baby or breastfeeding, etc.

The most common fears are fear of being in danger, of dying, of flying, of losing identity or job, of losing a loved one or relationship, of stage/TV/public speaking, of failure or success to be humiliated.

3 types of fear:

1. Royal Fear

2. Anticipated or possible fear

3. Emotional fears and phobias

Fearful emotions are very detrimental to our physiological and emotional health.

The experience of fear affects our body in many ways. Whether real or imagined, when our mind perceives a fear, it sends out a warning (ACTH) that is received by the adrenal glands. In response, our adrenal glands activate to release cortisol, adrenaline, and other stress hormones. These hormones cause muscle tension and lead to many diseases such as ulcers, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and many immune deficiency diseases.

So how do we overcome fear?

live without fear

• Fearlessness is one of the virtues of a spiritually awakened person. It allows us to enjoy life’s challenges and gifts with honesty, courage, and joy. Strive to transform fear into awareness, acceptance and true perception: live without fear. Then enjoy the gifts of eternal happiness, peace, balance, and health, and pass those positive feelings on to others. Therefore, turn fear into Face everything and get up.

• Front

• All

• Y

• Raise

through faith

• Freedom

• Awareness, Acceptance, Action

• Inside, go inside

• Trust you and take care of yourself

• Healthy and Eternally Happy

3 quick steps: When you experience threats or fears, try the following:

1. Breathe – Take a deep breath and hold it in (20-25 seconds) or as long as you comfortably can. Then exhale completely. Repeat until you feel calm. This interrupts the cycle of fear.

2. Hydrate – Drink a tall glass of plain water.

3. Remind yourself: “Even if it happens, so what?” Practice detachment and acceptance by reminding yourself that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. Repeat positive affirmations: “I am relaxed” or “I am calm, alert, and unafraid.”

Live in the Consciousness of Being Without Fear

Note: take medical help if necessary. Some fears are actually phobias that require the help of a therapist or doctor to dismantle them. Example: Chronic fear, phobia- – I realized that I had claustrophobia during my pregnancy but later I learned that I had developed it since childhood, and then I learned that my mother, aunts and cousins ​​​​have the same problem but they did not know it. what was going on-inheritance problem. I learned how to handle it and treat the BEST.

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