Don’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a track record, inside information, or a book of forms

If you receive a letter by post, email, or SMS from someone selling horse tips you’ve never heard of before, tear up the letter or delete the SMS or email because the person who contacts you is likely not be genuine. In this day and age there is no need to take chances. you can search the internet and find out if the person or company contacting you is real. I’ve even heard of people sending letters in my name offering advice, but it wasn’t me who provided the information. Pirates who claim to tip are cowboys. Most of the time they choose the horses themselves or exchange information with other people.

At the end of the day, many people start tipping services, but very few make a profit and even fewer last more than a couple of months or years. You can’t blame high profile career people for trying to get a second income and in some cases you get decent information but in most cases you will find that they don’t win or in fact have no idea how to do it . bet for profit. It’s best to deal with full-time people who work 100% to find winners.

It’s hard to find genuine inside information these days, but to make money on a regular basis you need the best information available. The way to win is to have good form and information working together. It makes no sense to bet on a horse that has no way of winning or to bet on a horse that you have information about that is doing well but is entered in a difficult race. With large 2-year-old trainers, work in groups and often the slower horses will run first so the stable has an idea of ​​where they stand with the others. This is why you will see a trainer have multiple winners 2 years in a row. When a trainer has a big winner, it is worth reading the quotes he makes after the race because he will tell you how good the horse is. Then you will know if the winner is worth following or if the horses behind are worth looking at next time.

The BHB has been trying for many years to prevent people from giving information to other people (including family), but this is a gray area. I agree that the placement of the horses should be left to the bookies, but I see nothing wrong with betting horses to win. I run a lay betting service but look for bugs to find winning bets. The people behind fantasy horses, whether they are the owners, the trainers, or the jockey in the saddle should not be in the sport. The fact is that many horses race every day that are not ready to win and will not be given hard rides because of this. The last thing an owner or trainer wants to do is give their horse a hard time while it is still learning to run. If an owner pays a fortune for a horse, I’m sure he won’t want the horse to go bankrupt in the first few races. If you look at first-class maiden racing, you’ll see that many horses are not shown the whip in the first time. They just ride them head to toe and if that’s good enough to win, they do and if not, the horses will be better off the next time they race. Does that mean horses like that didn’t try to win? If that were the case, all owners, trainers, and jockeys cheat every day, but really they’re just doing their job.

If you sign up for information from a tipping service, test the information for a month before spending a lot of money. You can even get a free trial or a discounted trial if you ask nicely. As an owner, I met many trainers and riders, but I only told them about my own horses. At the end of the day I wouldn’t want my horses talked about if I had one that was ready to win.

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