Are you protected against mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are back! It’s the time of year when these irritating pests start to drive you crazy. They swarm, they bite, they leave itchy welts. Mosquitoes cause more human deaths than any other creature on the planet, so it is wise to stay away from them.

Do you know how to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Are you ready to fight these bloodsuckers?

Some fun facts about skeeters …

– Only females ‘bite’ humans, as they need blood protein to lay eggs.

– Mosquitoes don’t actually “bite”, they inject you with a numbing solution so they can suck your blood. Your reaction to the solution is what causes the hives and itching.

– There are more than 700,000 people who die each year from mosquito-borne diseases.

How can you avoid these miserable pests? Here are some great solutions to avoid mosquito bites and the itchiness that comes with them.

Know your species of mosquito.

Anopheles are the typical mosquitoes that live throughout the United States. These females are the ones that are active at dawn and dusk. In contrast, Aedes has a variety of species that can be larger, more aggressive, and prevalent at all times of the day. Depending on where you live, the probability that different species exist changes. If you live in Arkansas, staying indoors at dawn and dusk virtually eliminates the threat of mosquitoes. But if you live in South Florida, you face a potential for blood-sucking swarms 24/7.

Dress appropriately.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the dark, so wear light-colored clothing. Long sleeves and leg covers are also a great help. They generally don’t ‘bite’ through clothing, so hats, scarves, etc. cover exposed skin. BUT usually mosquitoes come out to dinner in hot weather and layers of clothing for humans is a pittance … so staying indoors is the best option if these monsters really drive you crazy.

Use a safe natural repellent

Man has been fighting mosquitoes forever and since World War II the typical solution is synthetic chemical pesticides. Not good. These toxic chemicals will only work for a short period of time, as all insects (including mosquitoes) become resistant to a synthetic solution. The only option is to make the synthetic chemical stronger, more deadly, and more deadly. Products on the market today are up to 1,000 times stronger than just a decade ago. And these toxic substances are harming humans, animals, and the environment. Do you remember the impacts and fate of DDT? The same goes for the products that are currently used on the market.

Instead, use ingredients from nature to protect yourself. A safe and all-natural pest control product that is sprayed on you, on your clothes (no stains or residue!) And in all your living spaces it will protect you and your family from mosquitoes.

That is a rumor!

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