A “movement of the Holy Spirit”, what exactly does that mean?

Now this article could also have been titled, and I quote: “The Writings of a Stiff-Necked Unteachable Reprobate” such were the errors recently exposed by a false and blasphemous messenger on my blog regarding the mentioned subject. If ever there was an example of “Major in the Minors”to compound your mistakes, then this is it, and make no mistake.

However, let’s try first things first. What does this expression mean, that is, “A move of the Holy Spirit?” I ask this, because he is a favorite. slang term of the “Next New Experience Truck” and/or “What are we doing this month to keep you busy and happy?” Charismatic Branches of the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion. These charlatans love their so-called “moves of the spirit”, but are these moves of the Holy Spirit? Unfortunately, I have been in your company in the past when these so-called “moves” are supposed to have taken place. I tell you friends, I am not at all convinced that these things are or have been works of the Holy Spirit, a spirit YES, but not of the Holy Spirit. But what about this term “A move of the Holy Spirit”, where does it come from and is it biblical?

Yes, it’s biblical, but only because of a mosquito’s mustache, giggle giggle. Here it is, in the only place it can be found in the Holy Scriptures:

2 Peter 1:21 (KJV) For prophecy was never brought by human will, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (Spirit). (Brackets and emphasis mine)

So what is this ‘movement’ of the Holy Spirit all about? Well, it’s simple, isn’t it? In the biblical scenario above, it’s an impulse from the Holy Spirit to speak and say something, and in this case it’s to prophesy, well, these guys were prophets, so what do we expect? Silence? But does this expression relate to or apply to something else, say a healing or someone babbling away with a bunch of charismatic gibberish? No, he does not do it. Healing is a gift of the Holy Spirit and if you are lucky enough to have this gift then the Holy Spirit will work through you and you will heal people when the opportunity arises. Once the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you can use that Power as and when, without waiting for a move.

Similarly with tongues, if you need to communicate with someone of a foreign language or someone is present to interpret your spiritual language, just continue. On these occasions, there will be no special ‘moves’ of the Holy Spirit as our commentator suggests, you, with that gift, will heal people just as Peter did. Whether or not it will be your shadow that heals, I cannot say. Now am I splitting hairs here? Not at all, because our commenter does not believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, so he, and note this, without The Holy Spirit is always waiting for the next ‘move’ to happen, like someone waiting for a bus on a bus. stop before you do something. It’s like he can’t do anything until his spirit bus shows up and he gets on. Laughing or what?

So what does this tell us? He tells us that he was not born into God, that he has no understanding of what it means to be Born of God (Born Again). This also tells us that he has no understanding of what happens at baptism, and yet he had the audacity to say this:

“The best advice I can give you is to make an appointment with your doctor and ask for a referral for an evaluation with a psychiatric specialist. I come from a family of doctors and I know that these people are usually pretty good at what they do. .”

cheeky huh? but these two sentences reveal a lot. 1) He blasphemously accuses me of being crazy (this in itself is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) and 2) He shows his faith in the secular and worldly medical profession and yet boasts about the movements of the Spirit when he claims he has healed someone . Is this double minded? You bet, and why would a Spirit-empowered healer express faith in the medical profession? Something to keep in the back of our minds as I move on.

I will also add that being accused of being crazy is very encouraging, because they said the same thing about Yashua Messiah:

John 10:20 (KJV) And many of them said, He has a devil, and he’s crazy; Why do you listen to him? (emphasis mine)

Returning to the topic at hand and a question. If this topic of ‘movements of the Spirit’ is so important, why did Messiah Yashua only mention it ONCE in his Holy Scriptures? If it was so important, why didn’t he mention it at least as many times as Grace, that is, 170 times in 159 verses of Holy Scripture? This alone should tell us what is important to Messiah Yashua.

However, for the sake of this discussion, if we look up the word ‘healed’ in the New Testament, we find that it is mentioned 46 times in 45 verses and I have read them without finding the term: “moved in the Spirit” ONCE! ! in relation to healing. So what does this tell us? tells us that these gimmicky sensationalist ‘when and where is the next new experience going to happen’ The guys have misappropriated the term: “Moved by the Holy Spirit (Spirit)” from Peter’s letter and are using or misapplying it to build a circus trick show to build a BELIEF SYSTEM! Interesting term, huh? It’s one of their own and here’s our commenter’s usage:

“So, I’m not using religious jargon, but I’m speaking from direct experience of the covenant relationship with the Father through Jesus, his reciprocity through the Holy Spirit, if that fits your belief system.”

Note, “covenant relationship.” Do I feel a touch of the Old Covenant Law operating there somewhere instead of the New Covenant? We will see. He then denies that he is using religious jargon without even realizing that he has done so by misappropriation of the term ‘moved by the Spirit’. Have you noticed anything else? It’s like I’m doing the Father a favor. LOL. HE is favoring you with your agreement through the New Covenant, not THEY are blessing you through that same New Covenant – THEY are reciprocating after you have done them a favor! This thinking is based solely on the corrupted “I have accepted a ‘Jesus’ as my savior” nonsense.

Also, what is a BELIEF SYSTEM? How can a Heartfelt Belief in Yashua Messiah be a systematic or methodical belief system? Here’s a dictionary definition or three from Dictionary.com:

1) Having, showing or involving a system, method or plan: 2) given or using a system or method; methodical: 3) arranged in or comprising an ordered system.

I mean, come on, who would use such ridiculous terminology other than a spiritually devoid of Bible scholar? He must have written these things when he was at the bus stop waiting for his next ‘move of the Spirit’ after putting on the CEO suit or army uniform. More joy for the author.

Having come this far, I must now return to the beginning of our discussion when you came to my blog in response to this point I had made to another visitor:

“No, it is not possible for a BELIEVER to commit the unforgivable sin, only former believers, who turn their backs on Yashua Messiah. This would mean that they turn against Him and by doing so blaspheme the Holy Spirit that He sends us in the point of our baptism and spiritual gifts.

Here is your question:

“Or could it be someone who thinks they believe in Jesus but rejects him by rejecting a move of the Holy Spirit?”

We can immediately see his obsession with this charismatic Cainite-Judeo-Christian religious hoax of one spirit movements. Not only that, but we also have him judging others whom he pigeonholes as those who only THINK they believe in Yashua Messiah. I mean, who does he think he is? How arrogant, critical and self-righteous can you be? Has it ever occurred to you that these people may be right and they’ve figured it out with their Mickey Mouse obsession with removing a spirit, and they’re wrong? I doubt the idea ever crossed his mind.

Finally, am I saying that we cannot be prompted (‘moved’) by the Holy Spirit as indwelling sons and daughters of God born of God? Of course not, but as new creations indwelling us, born from God, we should be operating with our own holy spiritual movements and movements, not waiting for a spiritual bus that may never come. We have been given the freedom to carry on the work of Yashua Messiah, so let’s go ahead and put an end to all that Cainite-Judeo-Christian religious charismatic gibberish.

Watch this space for more of his nonsense.

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