The Commie Chronicles – Episode 4

In our latest episode, we discussed the purge principle perfected by the Trump-related communist left. In this episode, we’ll take a broader look at the purge or kill approach to careers, families, and organizations. We saw perhaps the first signs of the purge with the Clarence Thomas hearings when he was being examined for a position on the Supreme Court. A more recent example would be another Supreme Court candidate, Brett Kavanaugh. They did everything but physically shoot him.

Much of the value of the purge for dictators like Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others is the fear factor. When they come looking for you at night and you never come back, they sure send a message. So the insanity of vilifying President Trump after he was no longer in office has more to do with sending a message loud and clear than anything else. That’s what happened on an American Airlines flight from DC after the January 6 “insurrection.” The plane was loaded with people from MAGA, supporters of President Trump. The pilot considered them noisy for singing and having fun and threatened them with a quick landing and expulsion from the flight. Message sent.

In Jefferson County, West Virginia, a school superintendent is sending the purge message. During the Trump Rally in DC mentioned above, 30 District teachers attended the rally in support of the President. It was in his own personal time, but hey, a purge is a purge. Send the message, spread the fear. And the Public Broadcast System, funded with public funds, participated in the event. One of his lawyers declared that “Republican children should have to go to re-education camps.” Note that in Soviet Russia, men, women and children were purged, as if they were killed.

And there are other ways to purge someone. Credit card processor Stripe prevented the president from raising money. They just closed their accounts while raising money to fight voter fraud. Deutsche Bank, where the president’s companies had financial holdings, simply canceled them, pushing the Trump organization elsewhere. All this while he was president of the United States. Unprecedented in this country.

Former CIA director and undercover Muslim during Soertero’s presidency, John Brennan, asked Trump supporters to “beg for mercy” for what they have done. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and their cohorts want to censure Congressmen Mo Brooks and Louie Gohmert for believing there was voter fraud. Once again, eliminate those who don’t play the party tune. Mao would be proud.

The corporate side of things brings more debugging. Electronic retailer Best Buy announced that it would withhold donations from members of Congress who expressed concern about voter fraud. They were joined by Apple, AT&T, American Express and others in sending a message to play by the new communist rules or not to play at all.

More corporations got involved in the act. Insurance and investment giant AIG dropped a spokesperson because he was a Trump supporter. Retired baseball great Kurt Shilling was a spokesperson for AIG. That is until he spoke in support of the president. Color of him gone. CNN’s Don Lemon, also known as the Communist News Network, compared Trump to Hitler and proclaimed that anyone who voted for Donald Trump was a member of the KKK or sympathizers of the Nazis. Feed the fear.

Senator Josh Hawley was scheduled for a fundraiser at Lowe’s Hotel. That is until he came out in support of Trump and a rigged election. Loew’s Hotels quickly canceled their event. He didn’t play well with the Democrats. After Loew’s cancellation came the publisher of Hawley’s new book, Simon & Schuster, who quickly canceled the publication because he supported the president. Get in line or else.

In perhaps the strangest news, more than 200 editorial executives and corporations signed a mutually acceptable letter to ban President Trump from publishing his memoirs, like all modern presidents before him. A communist dictator, Mao Tse Tung, when he assumed power in 1949, purged by most estimates 80,000,000 people. We are a little more sophisticated and civilized today, saving “suicide” only for those with the most harmful material.

Death by murder or the murder of a character, if done correctly, is not much different at all. We now live in Third World America after the Democratic Communist coup. Things will never be the way they were in January 2020. Never.

Until next time … save your brain and watch the purges. You could be next.

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