Image Consultant Mistakes Lawyers Make


Image consulting services can help lawyers avoid the top three style mistakes they make. The first style mistake is wearing the wrong type of suit. The second mistake is wearing the wrong tie. The third mistake is wearing the wrong shoes. Fixing these mistakes can improve a lawyer’s image and foster a better relationship between client and colleague.


The first style mistake lawyers make is wearing the wrong type of suit. Men should realize that a suit bought from a good store will almost always be well designed. Stores that are fashion boutiques, however, will usually have trendy outfits that won’t be as good at relating to customers and judges.

Women often wear the flashy types of suits that Hillary Clinton wears, that is, suits with large patterns and made with bright colors. This is more appropriate for a political candidate than for a lawyer.

To find examples of the right suits, male and female lawyers should search online catalogs of good stores. These include Brooks Brothers and J. Press, among others. The bottom line is to be conservative in both cut and color.


Mistake number two is wearing the wrong tie. This applies only to male attorneys. The tie has rightly been called the most important tool in your wardrobe. The wrong tie is one that is too loud or has a frivolous image or pattern. Such ties are not appropriate for client conferences or court appearances.

It is also considered improper to wear a tie with a large vertical or horizontal pattern with a pinstripe or chalk suit if the lines of the suit are visible from six feet away. This type of pattern will clash. It’s helpful to look in a mirror before deciding on a tie. Stand back from the mirror at least four feet.

Finally, when it comes to Ivy League school judges, wearing a rep or paisley tie is a mistake. There are prints that will give you much more success, such as polka dot and solid.


The third image mistake lawyers make is wearing the wrong shoes. Male attorneys must wear caps or wingtip shoes. No other style will work as well in a professional setting such as an office or statement setting. Ideally, the shoe should have a small last. It also needs to be well made, which will pay off in the long run because it can be used for many years.

Female attorneys should not wear open toe or heel shoes. The ideal shoe for female lawyers is a black, brown or navy court shoe with a low heel. Her biggest mistake is wearing shoes that match her outfit, which includes light beige or red shoes. A lawyer’s shoes should always be dark. Keep in mind that dark shoes can go with any outfit, even a light one.


Stylistic errors that lawyers make are significant because they will cause problems with clients, colleagues, and judges. Correcting these errors is worth it. When in doubt, talking to an image consultant who specializes in attracting lawyers is an investment that will pay big dividends.

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