5 tips to maintain and care for marble

Marble is a beautiful natural stone that can be used for a wide range of applications. Spanning everything from kitchen countertops to bathroom floors, marble is a versatile stone that is seen in many areas of the home.

Although marble is a somewhat durable natural stone, over time marble can wear and tarnish if not cared for properly. One of the biggest misconceptions is that marble can be cleaned in the same way as other natural stones, such as granite. Marble is, in fact, a softer stone that is more susceptible to chipping, staining, and chemical etching.

Therefore, it is very important that you take care of your marble with the right products and the right approach. Below, I will share with you five ways to help maintain the life of your marble.

1. Maintain a consistent cleaning schedule. One of the best ways to avoid scratching and tarnishing marble is to make sure the surface is regularly cleaned and free of debris. Often it is the rubbing of sand and dirt particles on the marble that causes it to tarnish. Also, marble tends to be very susceptible to water stains, so it is essential to clean the marble surface in case it gets wet.

Although there are several fantastic marble cleaners available, a simple wipe with a soft cloth dampened with lukewarm water is enough to get the job done. Never use vinegar or any other highly acidic solution to clean marble as this can cause chemical etching of the natural stone. When deep cleaning marble, consider using a pH-neutral soap or detergent that is safe for natural stone. If you have dark marble, such as Belgian black, an acetone substrate is safe and very effective to use.

two. Take care of spills before they stain. Acidic substances like soda, wine, and juice can wreak havoc on a marble surface if not cleaned right away. It only takes a few minutes for the acid from such liquids to begin to penetrate the marble, so it’s best to handle such spills right away. When cleaning spills that cause stains, avoid applying a rubbing or wiping motion. Instead, pat dry and soak up as much of the liquid as you can with a soft cloth or towel. If an oil-based liquid is spilled on the marble, an effective mixture is powder, alcohol, and warm water.

3. Avoid sitting or placing heavy objects on the marble.. Always keep in mind that marble is much more fragile than it appears. Metal from pots and pans, or even jeans and pants, can easily scratch marble surfaces if you’re not careful. Invest in some quality coasters, placemats, and heating pads to ensure that heavy, hot objects never come into contact with the marble surface. Also think about setting some ground rules if you have children who want to sit on your marble countertop. Damage induced by deep scratches and chipping is one of the most difficult to repair.

Four. Polish marble on a regular basis.. Taking the time to polish marble can go a long way in maintaining its life. There are numerous polishers on the market that are specifically designed for marble stone. A marble polish can provide a protective coating that prevents water spots, stains, and chemical etching. In essence, this investment and effort is one of the best ways to extend the life of the marble.

5. Refinish and restore your marble. After several years, your marble could benefit from refinishing and restoration. While there are professional services that provide marble restoration, you can also invest in a do-it-yourself marble restoration or finishing kit. These kits (which cost a little over $100 for a quality kit) include just about everything you need to clean, polish, and restore your marble to like new. Of course, the result will depend on the current quality of your marble. However, the more often you touch up and restore your marble, the more likely it is to maintain its new natural appearance in the long run.

Marble may seem like a strong natural stone, however it is quite soft compared to other alternatives. By educating yourself on proper marble care procedures and using the correct cleaning products, you can keep your marble shining like new for years to come.

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